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Posts posted by tmp

  1. I'm not talking about drastic changes in focus.


    Here's a real photo.


    Here is a screenshot.


    In the screenshot, there are a few things that keep us from photorealism.


    With next-gen consoles and PC gaming we are going to be able to get full anti-aliasing, lose the jaggies, and get higher res textures, and better models.


    When you improve all of those, the only thing really left is focus.

    If you tried to pass the top picture as game screenshot, the first comment you're going to hear is "omg how could they use such hideously low res textures for the background" ... because that's what the focus boils down to, blurry mess :sorcerer:


    Furthermore, games tend to simulate human vision which handles keeping things in focus much better than camera. What you see in reality is actually closer to the bottom picture than to the one on top...

  2. I'm talking about consoles because in the begining only consoles are going to have the computing power and graphics cards to push graphics like these.

    So, am supposed to spend $300+ on a 'new generation' console, or at least as much on pieces for a computer ... just so i can play a game which is basically old KotOR with cranked up visuals?


    no, thank you. if i ever get deranged to the point i'd seriously consider this kind of expense for such trivial gain, feel free to shoot me. :(

  3. If that is the case how come no one is using hte Quake 3 engine anymore? It's simply because older engines (like the one running Kotor) simply can't handle the cool stuff today like hoods (well that are switchable).

    That's a silly thing to say. First off, how on earth do you know there's no one who's using Q3 engine for their game right now? I seriously doubt all developers have sent you personal emails stating what engine they use for their current project.


    As for older engines not being able to handle "cool" stuff... check out http://www.thewitcher.com/witcher.asp -- this is being done with Bioware's Aurora engine as the base but i seriously doubt anyone would be able to tell that on their own from the visuals alone. Aurora engine was on this very forum deemed "useless" by some people who were wailing how brand new game engine is the only way to go.


    At the end of the day the 'cool stuff like hoods' are just textured polygons with optional animation. Now i might be wrong, but KotOR engine is certainly capable of displaying animated, textured polygons. And if i remember right, they didn't make it in the game mostly due to *hardware* limitations, i.e. there's only that many textured polygons you can display on the Xbox if you want to keep framerates acceptable for a console title...

  4. The changes I expect would mean you would have to change the engine. (..) Look at these boards, people felt like it was the same game, because of same graphics, almost all of the same animations, and similar goals to advance the story.

    There is no need to change the game engine if complaint is about re-using old *content* ... it just means the *artists* need to create new and different combinations of polygons and pixels for the engine to push around :blink:

  5. BTW, does anyone have any hints on drawing eyes?  I'm trying to break away from the huge glassy manga eyes for something more serious, much like Aimo's, but am having some trouble.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    It's all in the shape; you can draw the eye just like you'd draw the "normal" manga style, but keep it 'narrow' to the point where width becomes noticeably greater than 'height' of the eye. This is common trick to imply the character is an adult, which in turn conveys more 'serious' theme... check gallery for something like Cowboy Bebop, and take note of eye shape they use... or heck, even Aimo's drawings for that matter ^^;;

  6. Anakin screaming "I hate you" like some teenage punk to his father? Phhh!

    Well, that's what he pretty much still *is* and he did just get nearly all appendages chopped off... what exactly should he say instead in situation like that, that you'd find not cheesy? ;)

  7. What was up with the last part of the lightsaber duel on Mustafar? Obiwan announces he's on the high ground and suddenly he wins? Anakin is so powerful that he can't use the Force to run up a slightly ascending gravelly slope instead of trying to stupidly jump over a already prepared and waiting Obiwan?


    I guess I can accept this by knowing Obiwan obviously baited Anakin's UBER ego, but it still seems incredibly stupid of Anakin, who easily dispatches Dooku. He must have had some sort of Force premonition/instinct/warning not to do that...oh well.

    It didn't look like "baiting the ego" to me... on the contrary, Obi Wan was trying to stop Anakin from fighting further because he got in position where he'd get a free swing at the opponent, no matter of approach... pretty much the 'i win' button. :)

  8. yeah, the council is a bunch of immature kids. tell them one thing, you can be sure they'll do the opposite... >_<

    Sadly it's not far from the truth :wub:"


    (Palpatine did play them for fools for years...)

  9. I for one am getting tired of watching my enimies cruple to the ground in the same exact way every time I kill one.

    Does it even matter? They disappear few second after that anyway.


    'real' force push sounds more like source of trouble than enhancement of gameplay... last thing i want is some guy i push become stuck in place where the game can't figure out what to do with them. :blink:

  10. Pointless hypothetical question: Do you think that if it was Obi standing over Palps (for the sake of expeciancy lets say he fought the same as windu) Anakin would have turned so easily?

    Am thinking, if it was Obi then either Anakin would actually knock out the emperor to protect the friend from the lighting thingies, or even if he didn't then Obi Wan would've still stayed true to the 'jedi way' and just tried to arrest Palps, giving Anakin no reason to attack like Mace did.

  11. Oh, and Mace rocked aswell, but that was so obvious that i forgot to add it to the list.

    Meh, i thought Mace was no better than Vrook; always bitchin', self-righteous hypocrite and half the reason for the main character to embrace the dark side... :rolleyes:"

  12. I still can't believe how poorly Lucas handled Anakin's fall. Who would have ever thought that the mightly Darth Vader betrayed the Republic because he was love-stricken and without a doubt lobotomized ?! (..)


    The sad part is that TESB already did give a very plausible motive for Vader to betray the Republic: When he talks to Luke in Cloud City he tells him that he wants to bring order to the galaxy. (..) This would have nicely fitted with what Yoda said that Vader took the quick and easy path.

    Except then it would make completely no sense for Vader to pick his son over the fate of this beloved 'new order' he helped to create at the very end of ep.6 :-


    The way it's done in the movie he's at least consistent with the other parts, with those he loves being always put above everything else.

  13. If Sid tells Vader that he killed padme then why doesn't Vader call him a liar or something when he realises that he didn't kill her and he was being lied to  :)

    Well, he did kill her, kinda.. like she tells him, that he's breaking her heart and stuff acting like that, and then he chokes her and she loses will to live because of all that and well, dies. :)


    Technically ol' Siddy didn't tell him anything about the children, they pretty much both assumed since Padme kicked the bucket then so must've the kid(s) ... or something to that effect. :huh:

  14. Firstly, the fertility argument matches up 18 year old men (male peak) with 40 year old women (female peak).

    You are confusing fertility with sexual drive. A woman in late 30's/early 40's is very likely to already undergoing perimenopause, which is quite detrimental to fertility. In addition, the probability of pregnancy going wrong is drastically climbing around that age.


    And finally, consider our species developed when your average human being didn't live past 18-20 year old, and you might see why we're genetically programmed to see potential sexual partners in people 15+ year old, especially when it comes to women who'd need another 9+ months before then can actually bear the child

  15. What caught my eye is the dream was the catalyst.  If Padme was dieing because she didn't have the will to live anymore, due to anakin turning darkside, why did anakin have the dream in the first place?  :thumbsup:


    Cause and effect rule was broken it seems.


    Any explanations?  :)

    Classic greek tragedy stuff. The protagonist tries to avoid the fate they foresee or are told about, and the very actions they take to stop things from happening actually are the final catalyst which leads to the events they tried to stop.


    (you could say this is all gods' will or, as certain KotOR villain would put it, will of the Force ;)

  16. Also the vader "nooooooooo", seemed really forced and unemotional

    *You* try to sound emotional when "your" voice is sound synthesized by a computer built into your iron lung. :p


    I was somewhat disappointed with Grievous getting beaten left and right and pretty much always about to lose, in middle of losing and on the run after losing :/ And with the completely weird scene between Anakin and Sidious after Mace Windu is given his flying lesson... other than that it was a nice movie, though.

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