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Everything posted by Draken

  1. Oh! Oh! Do you think they'll show All The Paper next time? That would be hot... And I think that is the best pic of Jodo ever made. It captures all his annoyingness, and all the ugly. Perfect! :D
  2. Very good for paint Mothman! I like, I like. And Jodo-My meds? The Doctor tried to give me them again...I punished him.* does maniacal laughter* No more Doctor Higgins! Bwaaahahahahaha! Really though, I bet your armor would look something like this:
  3. Haha, horny little bugger. And yeah, she'll draw you like me in the Mandalorian armor, except not as pimpin'.
  4. Woot woot! Little Bao and Mira! That's excellent work Arky. Jodo Kast 5? Sounds like a certain kid I know...
  5. Well it just goes to show that someone was listening during English class. Very good aimo, brilliant.
  6. Whiny? Sounds more like a certain Jodo Kast I know... JulianW- *Drools constantly* That's super hot! Excellent work as always! KOTORFanatic- Anime for horny Japanese teens? That's the description of my friends, and I'm a 25 year old Canadian! " Reallt though, brilliant work.
  7. KOTORfanatic: Very sweet! I like the expressions a lot. Petay: Heheh, that is great pic. Draw on!
  8. Yes, yes Mr.T controls us all. What else is new?
  9. Holy Jellybeans Batman! That Carth is RIPPED! :D In a purely heterosexual way, of coarse...But excellent work as always julian.
  10. I hope he means girls... Dang! I see the heading "Topless Exile", and its a guy Exile. The Horror! Really though, excellent job Sentry.
  11. Well, at least you didn't have a spaz (like everyone else probably would have), metadigital, so I respect you for that. Besides, Jodo's too much of a kid to understand when "grown ups" talk. :D
  12. Heehee nice job Lauch! Your work is great! But what else is new? Oh yeah...nice avvie DL. Replace red headed chick with mohawk bearded stick man? Genius. :D
  13. What about our c...nevermind. " Great art Arky! Finally, some one made Diciple look cool.
  14. *Kills all with super death ray..err..Mandalorian super death ray* That'l teach you snot nosed punks...what with your music and hippity hop... And to not make this spam....Great Art everyone! :D Did I mention how great our fair Moderators avatars are looking?
  15. "Daddy! Daddy! I want a KOTORFanatic Clone Trooper for Christmas!" "Not till your older, son." Great pics all!
  16. I scored as...YOUR MOM! OH! OH! PWNED! IN YOUR FACE! BURN! OH!
  17. You scored as Qui-Gon Jinn. You are Qui-Gon Jinn; respected for your wisdom and strong connection to The Force yet considered unorthodox and defiant by the Jedi Council. You rescued Anakin Skywalker from Tatooine because you believed him to be The Chosen One. You train the lightsaber form Ataru in which The Force is used to aid physical skill to achieve an amazing combination of speed, accuracy and acrobatics. A diplomat before a warrior, you fell in battle to Darth Maul though your apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi avenged you. You were the first Jedi to achieve a preservation of personal identity after death. Qui-Gon Jinn 82% Bastila Shan 79% Luke Skywalker 75% Anakin Skywalker 71% Yoda 71% Obi-Wan Kenobi (Pre Death of Qui-Gon Jinn) 68% Obi-Wan Kenobi (Post Death of Qui-Gon Jinn) 68% Darth Revan 68% Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus 64% Mace Windu 57% Darth Sidious 54% Exar Kun 54% Darth Vader 46% Darth Maul 43% WOOT! I'm the Jinn man! He's my fave Jedi, because he was a light sider, but didn't agree with all of the Council's decisions...sweet. And look: I scored the lowest percentage with Sith! What does that say about my personality? :D
  18. Wonderful art all around! Sentry- As I said before, the title page is incredible. An the love triangle? Gold. Darth Launch- Teehee! I dont know why, but I love pics of KOTOR chars before they appeared in the game! I love it!
  19. Creepy...but it could work. Thumbs up for yet more creative ideas.
  20. I never said it was bad! I said it was random. I actually sorta like the idea, but its just that you make all these odd sounding topics, and they usually are just locked or forgotten. As I said before, its a great idea, though. it would add much more intruige into a otherwise tasteless and boring romance.
  21. Thats pretty awesome, Sentry. I love it already! I plead, colour it!
  22. 1. When you say "My life for yours" to girl/boy friend. 2. When you call your old mean, strict Math Teacher "Master Vrook". 3.When you insist to girl/boy friend that the only way you'd agree to a deep relationship, is to spar with them in your underwear. 4. When you're sure you understand all the beeps and whistles your computer makes. 5. When, to you,anyone wearing a hood and/or creepy mask and/ or has scarred and cut skin is a Sith Lord. 6. When you call your car the Ebon Hawk. 7. When you think when you reach age 15 (if you're haven't already), you become a a Prestige Class. 8. When you cal a sibling a "meatbag". Thats all I got.
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