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Everything posted by wannabealoser125

  1. I posted this a few days ago in the fan art section. I used the SGE to make it look like DS Kriea and F Exile were fighting on the frozen wastelands of Telos. It works well as a desktop. Well, here it is without my sig on it.. I doubt anyone wants to see "Linzee" on the bottem corner or thier desktop every day. Its not the best thing in the world, but it was the closest thing I could do to making it look like a real battle
  2. I know it not exanctly fan art since its not drawn by my hand in some way... but I did use SGE to make a scene between The Exile and Kriea andi know that I like it ^_^ Photography is an art form after all... :D It makes a good desktop
  3. Me and my brother found one and a comic book store but not in the same pose.... those are not cheap
  4. everyones pics are great,except mine of course i suck at drawing . <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mines not great so your not the only one
  5. Xbox is pretty well screwed. They arent doing anything for it but my game had no problems at all, but I also dont have much information stored on it. It just depends how your Xbox reacts. I see alot of people complaining but I know I had no problems at all untill I had 15 save game slots, and even then all I had to do was delete. You should go and rent the game and see how it reacts.
  6. Ace, I have one word to desribe that : Wow What did you use to make it?
  7. ^_^ " :ph34r: Poor tortured little Carth.
  8. I didnt know that, new fact for the day Now I only hope I dont get interrogated by the millitary Strip search makes sense though, just to make sure your not hidding anything like a wepon. But they didnt do a good job with the guy in the prison cell..
  9. meta... you seem to have a habit of informing people of the errors of there ways when you find it to be stupid or wrong. Everyone likes different things, and if that
  10. YAY!!... Magic lockers could be fun. They should sell easy to bullies. Fits as many nerds as you could ever want!
  11. ^_^ maybe someone who is more obsessed with the game can help you out better than me. But a good question is how the hell did all your stuff fit into that locker after your teammate saves you Bastila and Carth
  12. Umm.... I think you have been watching to many movies. That just sounds confusing and complex.
  13. Maybe it has somthing to do with the fact the other people are wearing just clothes... but people in your party are wearing armor/robes causing some resistance to the pain... IDK, never really thought about it
  14. Soooo, baley..... What ever happend to all your artwork?
  15. You really shouldnt worry about violence in video games causing people to go insane and kill. Just take a look at the streets, people are like that already without any assistance from a game. It worrys me because the teenage generation right now was already screwed up by the time they were 7 that what they may pickup in a video game is nothing... game violence should be the least of your worries. Imagine the chaos that there children will bring. (In this I do include myself since I am part of the generation) I dont know if its like this in all of the US, but it is here....
  16. Yea, its not "all time evil" but its just something to start you off to the path of evil. Its not like your going to have LS mastery then all the sudden slaughter hundreds of innocents without any sort of evil act between. But I guess that could happen if you suddenly when insane
  17. Manipulation is fun, even if you are a goodie-goodie. Tricking someones mind is also a good ice-breaker into the dark side IMO... Use a little mind trick to get someone to hold with like a 8 while playing pazaak. "
  18. Uhhhh, I dont remember seening her unless I said Revan was DS. Do you have to say that Revan was LS M? And where do you see her, I must have missed something...
  19. If there was an option to manipulate, DS would be even better. Although I have only played DS on each 2 times, I only ever felt comfortable with manipulation. If its not... I feel bad. It seems so much more evil to me than taking some guys lunch money. I mean, why kill some guy for his credits, when you can cause him pain in a subliminal way. Pain is always more "fun" when its in your head rather than physical
  20. Yea, to the point that I couldnt play DS in KotOR. I had played LS 3 times and got to the point of how people actually feel like your team are there. I had to go to DS on the Unknown world. In KotOR II it didnt bug me at all... I never felt a kind of connection with anyone in KotOR II I guess its a result of being rushed
  21. I didnt know it was when I got it :"> ....
  22. It did that to me... But it was because I had seen all that I could see at that point in time.
  23. wow... 51 pages. Maybe its time to start a "Part 2" kind of thread.
  24. Yea, it does sound wierd Thanks for the feedback everyone I was almost worried to post that, I have never liked my "artwork" but everyone else seems to..
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