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Everything posted by InsaneCommander

  1. Episodes 185-187:
  2. Wait, is Unit-01 going to shave the Angels?
  3. The beaches are FULL. A lot of people in Brazil simply don't care about lockdown and covid. At all. Last year only about 40% of people respected lockdown. I hoped they would have learned a lesson. Edit: this was two weeks ago, but it continued to increase at least until yesterday or two days ago. Haven't checked any news today.
  4. Episode 184: Omg. Another hilarious episode.
  5. Episode 182: 183:
  6. Yes, this is very plausible. I even mentioned it in this thread before. I imagine it was like this: that military guy from Roswell announced an alien ship crashed. Then they corrected it but saw how some people reacted to it. They noticed how easy it was to spread a conspiracy theory and have been doing it for decades.
  7. Why not? You made me curious now.
  8. If Cmdr. Fravor description is correct, then someone made a major breakthrough. Instantaneous acceleration with no exhaust or sonic booms. It might as well be a warp drive. Not sure if it could be a hologram, since it appears on radar and infrared cameras. If it is human, then based on military budget I think it is almost certainly from the US. But then, why all this "Disclosure" thing going on, having Senators and military personnel saying it could be aliens? Just fly your new toys near other countries and show them who is top dog.
  9. The Battery That Will Finally Unlock Massless Energy Storage.
  10. I was busy today and yesterday so I didn't watch any episodes. But I'm enjoying Sailor Stars. Yes, everything is wrong there. And regardless of his age, nobody should be attracted to children. If he is a child, he shouldn't be that interested in a relationship (or at least not in the way we see), if he is a preteen/teen, he would be attracted to teenage girls or older. But his behavior shows he is very mature. Btw, talking about age, it seems Pallapalla is the second oldest of the Amazon girls and the third (Vesves) is 14. So congratulations Usagi, somebody on your age is even more childish! Now I'm curious. After Super S, everyone will kind of love it. I'm enjoying it. It has several funny episodes (especially the one with the chef). And it is very different in one aspect: And they don't remember what happened in those dreams. So we better not think too much about it. Also, better not think about what the three creeps will do now that they are non corporeal voyeurs that live in dreams.
  11. Episodes 180 and 181
  12. They are using "Pedosus" in the comments.
  13. What. The. F***.
  14. @ArtistFormerlyKnownasKP@BartimaeusDon't give up! I just watched one of the best episodes in the entire series. The next season will be better. A few more episodes (177-179). 177 was not bad, but the two that followed were much better. 178 179 @majestic I forgot to answer your question about the BDSM gear. First of all, I’m glad it was not the theme for the creeps last season.
  15. Maybe I misunderstood or it was the dub. I didn't find this season with subtitles, so I'm watching dubbed. And it is bad, not because of the dub itself, but because sometimes it seems the music is too loud and I don't understand what they are saying. For example, I had no idea of what the villain said when she named herself. Watched two more episodes:
  16. Sailor Stars 173-174 Spoiler image with no context: Then I stand corrected. Easy to blame the writers, but there are other things involved, of course.
  17. Don't worry. It will all be revealed. With a new and bigger particle accelerator.
  18. Eventually there will be an algorithm that can determine that with some degree of success.
  19. And everyone got angry with Makoto. Yes, @majesticyour idea for how they would have gotten the power ups is a million times better. The writers just got lazy and decided to end the episode asap there.
  20. Sailor Stars - first arc: Much better than Super S.
  21. Did she though? How many plants did she sell? I don't really remember. We saw only the hearts in the room they were. Anyway, she was an amateur even so because she let her own creation kill her in her first mission. Now that you are telling him this is the worst, the chance to drop the rest of the season decreases somewhat. But it all depends on their mood while watching the scene.
  22. That is more or less what I thought and wrote in this thread when I was at the same point you are.
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