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Everything posted by jmac714

  1. 2048x1536, did you switch it in a graphic settings utility, ie Catalyst, then set it to ignore application settings? What kind of CPU(s) and GPU(s) do you have, X850 Blizzards in CrossFire?! I'd expect low performance at that resolution...
  2. 1600x1200 as long as your cpmuter can handle it along with AA, ect, ect, can anyone say GeForce 7800GTX in SLI?
  3. Yup, I'm a member there too.
  4. Does anyone know of any place that has a guide to the KotOR model structure? Any place I've found has gaps in the "animation" sections.
  5. What about a map of the KotOR .mdl/.mdx file structure? There are still a ton of "unknowns" for the animation section of cchargin's tables of it.
  6. That's old news, GI beat you to the presses.
  7. I've seen better, besides, why would you want current technology in a future game,what if they use an engine from nowadays, and then Bioware came out with an Odyssey2 (or something like that). You'd be f'd in the a' because you were awed by some screens at the time.
  8. One red longsaber, fencing style stance (one hand behind your back, lowered stance, saber pointed straight forward) either that, or Malak/Nihilius style. Depending on if I'm trying to impress someone, as the Malak/Nihilius style is far more ornate.
  9. Does it matter? Even if they were real they'd have been dead since "a long time ago"+4000.
  10. Take AP Math, specifically 3D Geometry, 3D Trigonometry, Vectors, Locus, and anything else you can find along those lines. I find it easier to model with numbers, so depending on your personal preference, I recommend either that or a Graphic Design course (2D *and* 3D), then maybe learning *several* programming languages just to get a good "programmers mentality", for starters, try getting Visual Studio (academic pricing is $90 from newegg.com) and a few books on it's programming languages (C, C++, C#, J# in particlular, SQL types aren't really an issue here). After that, I know there are some free game engines out there, try designing stuff with those. Outside courses are helpful too, try http://internaldrive.com for a few good ones, they're expensive, but helpful, and they're all over the country too.
  11. Try and learn all of them, it makes it easier when you have to make lots of different programs. And for the record, J# is MS's "JavaKiller".
  12. Raven did a toolset and tutorial for JKA.
  13. Would it be possible for you guys to re-lease a toolset/tutorial for adding combat animations, ect to KotOR 2, as per a lot of different threads over at LucasForums, it seems like that is one of us modders' main limitations.
  14. To Obsidian- If you guys could use any help to get the patch out faster I'm sure there are some modders from Holowan Laboratories or the like who would be glad to help to just get it done (especially if it'll restore some cut material). I for one would be glad to help in order to see what the game was supposed to be like. You should just post a thread in those forums and see what people say.
  15. First off, Kreia isn't Kae, Handmaiden "honors the face of her mother" and Handmaiden would recognize herself in Kreia. Second, the Jedi do know Kreia (as the "her" in the exile cutscene). Plus, something tells me that Kreia was exiled for her teachings or from the Exar Kun War (from the way she talks about the Exar Kun War and from the way the Jedi talk of her teachings.). Next, there's no dialog (not even cut dialog) that suggests that Kreia could be the handmaidens' mother. Besides, SHE would be refered to as "Exile" as well if her exile was that recent. Kreia is also too old to fit the timeline, by the time she'd have finished training Revan (twice) et al she'd probably be too old to be giving birth. And I'm not so convinced that Kreia is even human, she looks a lot different (maybe she's part Sith and that's how she knows about the "real threat").
  16. A new force script (instead of recycling this one) that lets your force powers last as long as you hold the button.
  17. the "little bat guy" gets 2000 credits out of the deal (the cash vogga's droid gives him for t3)
  18. i think gamespot or something like that said that in their march issue, so i dont think it could be that far off.
  19. HK-47- "Mockery:'Oh master I love you but I hate all you stand for, but I still think we should go press our slimy mucas-covered lips together in the cargo hold'" HK-50- "The function I perform has been refered to as wonton slaughter." Quotes like this make me think only things said by HK-47 should be here along with the cut scene where Darth Nihilus "keeps his pimp-hand strong" with Visas (Not so much the context of the cut scene, but the reference to a Darth Nihilus in a fur suit and cane that popped into my head awhile after.)
  20. A patch is already available use the following steps to download and install it: 1. Open c:/Program Files/LucasArts/swkotor2 (or where ever your game directory is). 2. Then run swupdate.exe that is contained in that folder. 3. Follow the on-screen instructions to update and install the latest patch.
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