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Everything posted by caradoc

  1. Best single improvement IMO was the usefulness of skills (item creation, dialogues etc.). This made Sentinel the most useful starting class (especially if you took starting INT of 14). Side note: Sentinel's stun/paralyze immunity also made the Traya battle easier given the fact that she was very keen on using Stun/Insanity ... powers (that I had been kind enough to give her when leveling up) against my PC <_< Other nice improvements were: - taking turns in pazaak (made the game much more playable) - empty containers shown - the influence system (albeit this could be improved as discussed in other threads)
  2. No, you don't have to be Jedi Master (or anything else for that matter). You do need high enough influence. Some characters cannot be turned to Jedi (Hanharr, Mandalore, for example).
  3. It trickers if you are DS and you says she is a spy for Atris when she first join you, and its very annoying had same problem with my first DS character. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't have to be DS, my PC was shining in light. Besides what are you supposed to believe of her other that she is a spy for Atris (especially after all the comments she and the other handmaidens tell you in Telos).
  4. It's not a terribly important conversational thread, though. You can turn her to a Jedi just fine without it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's not important , but it has the hilarious 'pulling the Bindo' answer :D
  5. I picked Sith Marauder for exactly the same reason, it becomes peaceful after I've discussed those who disagree with a few rounds of fury "You should have stayed wherever you ran to"
  6. Luxa <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Absolutely right, Luxa roxs, too bad you have to kill her I'd take her along any day (without those Gammorreans though, ewww the smell on the Ebon Hawk ). But no, you are stuck with one who tried to poison you, one who tried to slice and dice you with a lightsaber, and one who just dropped in for a ride.
  7. Bao Dur is easy enough to turn into Jedi even for a darksider. For example, you get influence with tech things such as the spy device on Dantooine and the airspeeder on Nar Shaddaa. You can even make the thugs on Nar Shaddaa jump over the railing and still get influence (as you saved the man after all). Whats more satisfying is that the recruiting lines are different for a DSer (giving in to anger etc)
  8. Yeah, the Handmaiden is quite a case. The pretentious schutta: * stole my ship in the first place * is a servant of my enemy (as Kreia is keen to point out) * hitched a ride on my ship (and I can't even dump her off) And the best part is, if I so much as look at Visas twice, she has the nerve to accuse me of not trusting her (albeit with a little help from Kreia). She looks, however, much better in her black costume. :cool:
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