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About Ilxuss

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. I'm pretty sure that traps existing in the world do deal injuries if you manage to lure an enemy into them but if you pick the trap up it loses it.
  2. I have newest version,, but it always worked for me (I can't be sure about earlier patches, because I may have not tried it then, but it never not worked for me). Also I didn't have any issues with setting multiple of one trap type, as seen in this screenshot: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=421659382 Hmm. When I do that, the traps below disappear. Now that's weird. Weird indeed, I can cast them on top without problem. I think I remember having a problem with setting few noxious traps next to each other too, but I came to conclusion that when setting traps with (same?) AoE, their effects can't overlap either. But I just checked a moment ago and I can put few noxious traps next to each other without issues. All my characters have mechanics in between 1 and 6 so I doubt the problem lies there. Only thing I can say is to make sure each trap is set by different character, like in screenshot log, and try to put them far away from each other to see if it's working at all. But it's fun when it works, only problem is finding enemies worthy of the setup. I must try it sometime.
  3. Each person from your party can set one trap, but those can't overlap each other or one set earlier will disappear. Also you can cast glyph on top of traps. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=421591290
  4. We know that she has been looking for somebody for 5 years at the moment we meet her, let's say it took her year to get into area and another before she started waiting. It hypothetically leaves her standing in one place for 3 years! If you stood in one place, barely moving for 3 years you wouldn't be fit either. :D
  5. I tested Marked Enemy a little and, if I'm correct, this skill works only for ranger and adds 20% damage bonus, but calculated after taking into account DR. So if you'd normally hit enemy for 15 - 7DR = 8DMG without marked enemy with marked enemy you will hit him for (15 - 7DR)*1,2 = 9,6 (I don't remember how the game rounds it). Additionally it turned out for me, that if you deal less damage than enemy's DR you will deal some damage, because it seems you always deal some damage, but you won't get anything from Marked Enemy - kinda logical since 5DMG - 10DR < 0, gets rounded up to 0, 0*1,2=0, but since hit in PoE means you always deal some damage you deal a little. It's a very disappointing skill, if it worked as it is written in tooltip it could decimate single enemy quickly, but practically all fights involve more than one enemy, so I don't think it would be too OP. But maybe it's better that descriptions are off? In the current state my use of ranger is limited to ordering him (well, her) to shoot something, I don't even bother with trying to keep the same target with pet since it usually is there only to tank 3 hits before dying. Now it may appear good in description at least, so somebody may be lured into playing as one thinking he may be good.
  6. You are right for pointing that out; even if we assume that there is no xp for killing something directly (although there is, through lore xp) there are great many quests that award with xp missions that would be impossible (like bounty quests) or nearly impossible (take something from enemy infested place) without using combat. It's time consuming and boring to get to necromancer if we have to sneak past rooms and corridors full of his minions at least two times, because we need to return somehow too.
  7. When I created my character I tried to make his attributes reflect how I imagined him, but this post made me curious to see how it was handled with companions in PoE. I'll check tomorrow. To answer the question posed, I do care about stats representing my character.
  8. I tested Marked Enemy a little and, if I'm correct, this skill works only for ranger and adds 20% damage bonus, but calculated after taking into account DR. So if you'd normally hit enemy for 15 - 7DR = 8DMG without marked enemy with marked enemy you will hit him for (15 - 7DR)*1,2 = 9,6 (I don't remember how the game rounds it). Additionally it turned out for me, that if you deal less damage than enemy's DR you will deal some damage, because it seems you always deal some damage, but you won't get anything from Marked Enemy. I think that talent is very underwhelming, especially now when I hear about barbarian's One Stands Alone.
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