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About Savant1021

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
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  1. Thought I'd post my overall first impressions here. I've only played around with the beta for a few hours so far, and I did run into that nasty bug where journal entries were wiped after loading from in-game (vs the main menu). Restarting was obviously not the most fun. That issue aside, I'm all nostalgic and giddy over how I "feel" playing this game. It's a throwback to those Infinity Engine games in so many good ways, without a lot of the disappointments and frustrations I experienced when trying to play those exact games now. Even the Enhanced Edition of BG2 feels too stale to hold my attention for long. Looking forward to seeing more of how PoE progresses throughout beta and release.
  2. I have to say that for (what I think is) the first more public build of beta, I feel like what we've been given is rather well-polished, compared to other "betas" I've participated in previously. There are obviously bugs to smoosh--some rather frustrating, to be sure. I agree that the next build will be a good indicator of progress and handling of the product overall. Fingers crossed that it is very much a net improvement to the stability of the game.
  3. This is also true for creating companions at the inn. Once you start the process, you cannot back out of it, so you have no choice but to make a character and pay the associated amount of currency.
  4. Ah thanks for the tip! I ended up having to restart as well. I think I avoided reloading from the load/save menu before I went to bed last night. Today after work, I'll find out.
  5. I have just joined the backer beta, and I experienced this same issue. I tried exiting out and restarting the game, but the journal entries are just gone. I also completed the Nyfre quest first. I wonder if there is a bug in that particular quest that is causing it?
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