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About Halo343GS

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  1. LOL! good one :D and she also calls atton an idiot...sort of i don't think there are consequences for making handmaiden a jedi
  2. sith lord for massing force storm and force crush :-D
  3. were u a male or female?
  4. (Sigh) Bao-Dur... He's an awesome Jedi .. I just sit back and watch him and Atton mow them down. He can repair just about everything. But what I love most about him is his soft-spoken loyalty, the fact that I know he would willingly go to the end of the galaxy for Exile, or die if need be. This is a guy who can do great things on his own, like building something to save a planet or destroy one ... and I can't imagine him anywhere else but standing by Exile's side saying, 'Yes, General?' And no way can I see him dead or left behind, sorry. His last speech to remote almost made me cry, because you could tell he felt so bad for codemning the little computer to death. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i never got that part -______-'' so Bao-Dur died in the end? w/e...i don't get the shadow generator thing -_____-
  5. revan ambushes you???? he does??? whuH??? i only versed visas...on the ebon hawk and she doesn't take me to nihilus
  6. you could check the cheat section on IGN.com or gamespy.com for KoTOR 2 :-D
  7. yes! fnally a topic where the thing is about appreciation not a flame against obsidian <_<
  8. LOL! disicple flirting with the female PC when you're choking him? that doesn't really go together
  9. me neither. i don't remember becoming notin special.
  10. hm....vaklu's men don't really gun you down. all you do is kill one of them. and then it stops. atleast for me it did
  11. yea. sucks for female PCs doesn't it. handmaiden is like the best. especially for melee.
  12. in your next walktrhough. you should go for the ithorians :-D they're much easier
  13. ppl. how do you found out what prestige class you're in. hm...i luved spamming force crush on Traya and Sion too. just that i lost force powers so easily like after 10 of them. i lost force points and had to regenerate
  14. sith lord!! force crush and force thunder. FEAR MY WRATH!
  15. Bad Tanuvein. No Carth-Atton escapades for you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Aw, but they are made for each other! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL!!! haha
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