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Lord_Mord last won the day on June 12 2018

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About Lord_Mord

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    (6) Magician
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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
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  1. I didn't realize back then, how ugly those guys were. They look more like the Bloodhound Gang or the Jackass Crew to me, now.
  2. lol. I know, that was a joke. On the other hand... given the expected progress of this endeavour, I think it is save to assume that browser engines by then will be able to manage UE5 level stuff.
  3. Yeah, why not? We will pick up someone for the graphics along the way. I'm a frontend developer, but understand next to nothing about current game engines, so can we make it web based?
  4. You are right. I meant fig. But wasn't that a kickstarter-like thing?
  5. How? Nostalgia + larger, prettier But the point is not how, but how much and where. I saw ads for PoE. I didn't see one single ad for PoE2. I would have been an excellent target for the FB algorithm, but nothing. I heard about it from this forum and this forum alone. It took years before it showed up on my steam account. Then the odd choice of GoG. They could have known that Deadfire would not be easy to sell. Using it to "hype" GoG was not clever at all. OMG. This forum is the only place where I have to use english. So my english skills degenerated in the past few years.
  6. The more I think about it, the more I come to the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with the game, setting etc. They just ****ed up the marketing.
  7. Still here. Still waiting for PoE3. If it is not coming soon, we will have to make it ourselves.
  8. I'm here. Once or twice in a year. It will be more often, when Pillars 3 is on the horizon.
  9. "And I would be interested in directing Pillars 3 if I can figure out how to make it something I would enjoy that there’s an audience for. It may be that someone else would do a better job at that than me, though." I don't think that's true. If that game would not conclude the watchers story, I wouldnt buy it and if someone else would make that game, I wouldn't buy it either.
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