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Everything posted by generalkorrd

  1. For real ? In the beta ??? And they didn't corrected this issue ? Hard to believe. They fixed that particular crash right away, obviously it reappeared here in the Hold.
  2. This same crash happened in the backer beta as well, it was connected with the ogre cave
  3. My first major problem with this game as well. I'm also stuck in the hold, I cant leave.
  4. I cant give any kind of in detail review of the past 3.5 hrs since I started playing, because I am speechless. I have one thing I can say to all involved: BRAVO!
  5. Why vote when you don't have a dog in the race? You make an excellent point, noname. I'll just go with ignorant as the reason why and leave it at that. That's me being nice. I voted 1. Gimme my stuff. For those who vote 2 because they want it complete and sealed on a shelf as a collectors edition, it makes MORE of a collectors edition with no disc inside. Think about it
  6. Frame rate issues must be your rig's fault, I have no frame rate drops, and my rig isn't spectacular(anymore). I do agree that something needs to happen, especially with the webs, if they were to make all those effects only cover the feet/lower half, then I think you could still be able to see everything you need to see.
  7. The Cladhaliath spear does show up on the paper doll, but not ingame. You can see that the toons hand is wrapped around something, but not what. It does work, you can see the effects of it in the combat log, it is just not visible in the hands.
  8. You can enchant items normally if you have the mats, but they don't stay through map changes and game reloads. This includes the *****SPOILER*****Cladhaliath spear you can enchant from the underground temple with your soul vessel. The enchantments that are originally on the items do stay, just not any that you put on.
  9. At first I didn't think character portraits were a big deal or an issue for me, but they are. For some reason, I just don't like any of the ones given. If there are going to be no changes to the portraits, or new ones added, I vote for going with a crop like NWN or DA:O
  11. You have truly established your place as a god-like figure on these forums, never to be forgotten! Hail, hail to the great... uh, whatshisname! :p Finally, someone recognized the awesomeness that is me.
  12. Mods please pin
  13. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be the first at something. Pretty pathetic right?
  14. Yup that's me!
  15. I've heard it's around 1.5TB. Of course, I'm the person who said that, who I heard it from, so it's very likely not correct. Guaranteed not anywhere near 1.5 Tb. That's 1500 Gb yall. More like 5-10 Gb tops.
  16. I'm not complaining, I think it's actually kinda neat.
  17. Looking at the GC stream earlier, I noticed something that a lot of you IWD lovers probably did too. The icons/buttons for the various spells have been recycled from IWD. Has anyone else found any recycled stuff from previous IE Obsidian games?
  18. How in the world is making a console port after the fact not honoring the backers or some other entitled Us vs. Them BS? I'd be willing to bet that almost 100% of the backers wanted a PC game, not a console game. Porting this game will absolutely ruffle the feathers of most backers, just look in this thread. I don't know how many great PC games/sequels have to be ruined by porting for people like you to understand that porting a game to console ruins the game for pc. Also, while you may not think it's "us v them", they sure do, along with most other players, both console and pc.
  19. Why should they not port it after the PC version is done? How does it harm you then? Serious question. It doesn't harm me at all, it harms the game. As others have stated, even a port after the fact will do serious damage to future expansions and/or sequels. Need I mention Dragon Age? Origins was designed for PC with a port after the fact, and look how da2 turned out. Just saw gameplay for DA3. Guess what? Designed for console. I almost puked. I know that there is a ton of money there for Obsidian, but I hope they stick to their guns and honor all the backers that backed a PC game. Once that fork in the road has been explored, even a little bit, there is no turning back.
  20. I have been watching Pillars for quite some time now. I just saw the PCGamer video, and it looked so good that I had to bite the bullet and back it. Got the beta key of course, can't wait till "winter". I wouldn't be surprised if more people back PE based on that video.
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