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About HaasGaming

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


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  1. Pretty much what Anthony Davis said on RPGcodex, then. Streaming of Act 1 allowed on Monday. Indeed the case. Reviews are embargoed until the 26th. Lets Plays and Streamers can start today with limited progress. (Source: In the process of reviewing it myself).
  2. It's inaccurate, probably from an older version.
  3. Currently having the same issue. As I can't unsummon the skeletons, two of which have seemingly gotten stuck as they won't move anymore, I can't exit the dungeon that I'm currently in because I need to 'gather my party' but this is impossible. Resting doesn't solve this.
  4. In a similar fashion, I reloaded a save (right at the beginning of the beta) and was unable to pick up any quests. At least, they wouldn't appear in my quest log and I had no notification of having them. The very first guard at the bridge (House Harond Guard) also did not ask me to talk to him like he would normally do. Reloading this save again did not fix this issue.
  5. Noticing the same issues. I tried rebinding all the movement (arrow) controls to WASD, in addition to a few changes. Restarting the game indeed resets the keybindings entirely.
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