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About Jedihuh?

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  1. I have heard that they're planning on announcing k3 in september. I could be wrong, take it as rumor cus I have nothing to back this up sept the word of a friend. He is reliable tho....
  2. Thats just a dumb idea
  3. It loads every 3 seconds.
  4. Does anyone have the 360 version? Mine loads every freaking 10 steps my guy takes. Its LLLAAAAMMMMEE
  5. i say keep the rumors coming. I enjoy hearing any thing about kotor 3.
  6. I agree with the poster who said they want to see movies with Thrawn. that would be pro..
  7. Ive had the 360 since it came out and not one problem. Best game yet is Fight night round 3, PRO! love it. call of duty 2 is pretty cool 2. pgr is ok, condemed suxz. madden06 is pretty good but has alot of little things i don't like abbout it. nhl was horrible, reminded me of a sega game....PDZ is another ok game but should have been for the xbox not the 360,
  8. the live action guyver? or the animated ones....cus i liked all of em. but i own the live action ones. nice and cheezey
  9. I like the Guyver 1 and 2.
  10. Finland for the gold
  11. Wow that would suck if that is the symbiot, and hopefully the wont introduce venome till the next movie and just have spidy in the black suit in this one.
  12. give it acouple hundred years and the book of mormon will be right up there with the Bible. (which has been revised a few times )
  13. The American govt would never let them put cameras in your house. this much i am sure.
  14. just saw the new harrison ford movie FireWall, I enjoyed it. Harrison Ford still kicks ass. Can't wait to see the new Bruce willis movie 16blocks. And 2dayz ago i saw Transporter 2! Awesome cheezey beefcake movie......how i miss Arnie
  15. ah if it wasn't for selane i would be mad but considering he played for my beloved Winnipeg Jets, i cannot be mad.......slacking canadains, they were all high i tells ya HIGH!!
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