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Everything posted by JDizzle420

  1. I just wanted to make sure that you all got a chance to see the third demo. I didn't see anyone post it yet. http://www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive/b/558125934
  2. This is something I've been trying to find information on for a long time now, and I've come up empty. I would love to see something like what we had in Dragon Age. I preferred the scrips in Dragon age to the ones in the IE games. I've recently been replaying BG2, and I feel like they were much more limited.
  3. Do the "quicklooks" always show off gameplay footage?
  4. I believe that I originally posted this in the wrong place. Sorry, I'm new to forums. In the IE games my PC would usually be on the front line as a fighter, paladin, multi cleric/fighter, or something along those lines. So I was really looking forward to update 80. How do you think paladins will compare to fighters in a tanking role? A damage role? Do we know if the paladin abilities such as coordinated attacks, zealous march, and inspiring triumph will stack if more than one paladin is in range? If these abilities do stack would it be better to have a few paladins in a group working off of each other rather than having a mixture of other classes on the front line? For my first party I was considering having 2 paladins and a barbarian up front. If the barbarian's accuracy can be boosted by both paladins then his/her carnage ability might put out some crazy damage. What do you think? Do you have any other ideas for possible synergies? I'm sorry if some of these questions have already been answered.
  5. I would first like to say hello to everyone. I've been lurking around the forums for a long time but I've only made a few posts. I thought that a party composition discussion would be interesting now that we have all of our class updates out of the way. In the IE games my PC would usually be on the front line as a fighter, paladin, multi cleric/fighter, or something along those lines. So I was really looking forward to update 80. How do you think paladins will compare to fighters in a tanking role? A damage role? Do we know if the Paladin abilities such as coordinated attacks, zealous march, and inspiring triumph will stack if more than one paladin is in range? If these abilities do stack would it be better to have a few paladins in a group working off of each other rather than having a mixture of other classes on the front line? For my first party I was considering having 2 paladins and a barbarian up front. If the barbarian's accuracy can be boosted by both paladins then his/her carnage ability might put out some crazy damage. What do you think? Do you have any other ideas for possible synergies? I'm sorry if some of these questions have already been answered.
  6. Even though "close" is a subjective term, I'm going to have to disagree with you here. The game IS close to being finished IMO. We have a winter 2014 release date. That is at most 6 months from now. Given the amount of time they will probably be spending on just fixing bugs and polishing things up, I would think the game would pretty much be done within the next 4-5 months. That's not very far off. Either you didn't know when the game is supposed to be released, or you and I have a very different perception of time. Keep in mind that the game will be going into beta within the next 2-3 months. I'm sure that they will be able to guess at some minimum system requirements by then. They really should already have an idea of what those requirements are, but they just haven't posted them yet. The bottom line is that if OP's computer can run DS3 reasonably well he should have no problem running PoE. I'm very confident in that.
  7. I couldn't agree more. It really made for some difficult and interesting decisions. Do I choose NPC A who has a personality and story that I really like, or do I choose NPC B who absolutely rapes face in combat? The inclusion of the "Adventurer's Hall" really makes for a perfect balance IMO. You can choose a few NPCs for personality and then create a few NPCs to fill the gaps in combat roles. They've already stated that they assume this is how most people will play. Just replay the game a few times and you'll get to see all of the companions. I'm sure that someone will make a save game editor shortly after release. Perhaps OP should just wait for that.
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