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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Great work! I noticed that you used very few lines which means that you have form and perspective down to your muscle memory. You should definiately work in graphic design, if you aren't already.
  2. Now if i was in position of power and really hated Trump, i would do the following: 1) Form an alliance with likeminded in congress, the intelligence community and media 2) Push people close to him to into rhetorical traps and make them come of as lying 3) Eliminate such people through resignations due to such traps or by congressional pressure 4) Use friends in IC and media to drum up alleged crisis of confidence 5) Push likeminded friends in now vacant positions 6) Isolate Trump and give influence to him with negative outcome 7) Without any allies in power, impeachment of Trump is now possible on dubious grounds like point 2) .. . x) Profit! Strange how no one has done that yet. Are people in power that dumb in the US?
  3. "How do we control people?", the thread.
  4. Somehow I have a hard time viewing "death at the ripe old age of 55" as an outcome to strive for It's considered happiness in the north.
  5. Ah, the benefits of living in a society where healthcare is payed by everyone and where squabbles like this are moot. On the other hand, the system benefits most if you drink, smoke, do not exercise and die at the age of 55 since then you have payed more into it than what you have gotten out of it. So fellas, light em up, take a drink and tell your fellow trannies to be that "it was my priviledge".
  6. Sometimes unintended honesty is the worst kind of honesty.
  7. WASPs hate Trump because he allows jews and blacks to part of his Mar-a-Lago club, the intelligence community hates Trump because of his foreign policy, the left hates Trump because of him being atheistic to political correctness, the International banking cartels and business hates Trump for his America First policy, his own party hates Trump because of him telling the neo-cons to shove it, the media hates Trump because of his persona and the academia hates Trump because of his gut first and anti-intellectual stance. So who is he a tool of?
  8. ...and Trump made the news investigating and defending Sweden with a single sentence in a rally for his supporters. It's working like a charm, i tell you.
  9. It wasn't an immigrant enclave, it was mostly poor Swedish people of the lower class living in poor neighbourhoods. What are you talking about? There are no swedes.
  10. Haha, like a clock. Thanks everyone!
  11. lol, the swedes on the board are so swedish that it hurts. There's no swedish people, no swedish culture and blondes will diminish, but not because sweden is becoming less swedish.
  12. My spidersenses are telling me that the media is picked for a ruse about these "leaks" and the current administration is actively engaging in disinformation through these channels. I hope that i am wrong though, because that would otherwise be quite sinister.
  13. They are not fleeing islam as a religion. They colonising and creating their own societies. You mean to say that most of them are fleeing war, persecution or poverty in their own countries and we don't let them to integrate to our society but instead we put them for years in centers where they have little to none daily interaction with main population. I would point out that tens of thousands of Muslim refugees are willing to convert to Christianity (although often motivated y hope that makes us to let them stay) Strange how middle eastern and north african muslims fail to integrate into western societies while the rest does even if you take into account the detriment policy of dumping anyone into the ghetto. Previously we invited Salman Rushdies to the west to live in freedom from tyranny, but last year the door was open for any jester fooling the lady border patrol officer that he suddenly wants to be christian and if you don't open the border for him, he and his pals will storm it, throw rocks at you or any other means necessary. It is strange how there are several (5) restaurants run by middle eastern and north african muslims just one kilometer radius from my home So well integrated that they are exporting the best back: http://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/cnn_finland_tops_list_of_countries_with_muslim_fighters_in_syria/7446816 The world would be better of by sending them all back, build a wall around them, wait a few hundred years, and open the door and hopefully something civilized will emerge from the other side. Perpetually importing people from regions that do nothing but destabilizing a society is simply not going to cut it. Better do it now in a civilized matter before creating the balkanisation begins the inevitable war begins. So 30 people went in Syria to be terrorists and nearly 1000 of them decided to make pizza and kebabs in Tampere. Those are just the most hardcore ones. But being the best ISIS-exporter should tell you something about what you're dealing with compared to other groups like those from south america or east asia. So nevermind the disproportional amount of violence committed by said groups in almost every other european country already with a continuous negative trend, as long as you get that those restaurants, anything is permitted. http://i.imgur.com/EHbUiOU.jpg I am saying that majority of them integrates in our society quite fine. But there are problems that need to be looked at, so that we know what is the causes behind those problems and how we can solve those problems. But attacking/punishing all of them, especially those that not just follow our laws fully but actively contribute in our society by creating their own businesses isn't good strategy to go forward in any sense. Also grouping all people from Middle East and North Africa as same hides some of those problems and causes behind them. Like for example unemployed rate within somali population is over 55% and as largest North African Muslim population in Finland they make statistics look bad for people from other North African countries even when they do much better job in becoming productive part of our society. We have had problems with Somali population now over 20 years and still somehow we don't seem to find any actual solutions or even know why so many of them are unemployed. Also we have more problems with refugees from Afghanistan than we have from Syria for example, when it comes to committing crimes and acting badly towards women. Also people from Morocco and Algeria (maybe the criminals from those countries go in France and law binding people come to Finland who knows) seem to integrate better than Russians for example when it comes to crimes. I can't say what would to be best policy to go forward but I am pretty sure that grouping millions of people that share similar religion but still come from different culture and different circumstances in same isn't probably the best solution to pick. As you are most likely aware is that Finland is on its way to commit the same errors with the very same immigrant-groups/refugees as other countries in Europe, as in second generation muslims from these regions are either self-segregating or are behaving in anti-social behaviour of which are not acceptable by any western standards. For them to achieve order and peace in themselves in their communities, they turn to their customs and religion, which is the antithetical to the very values that we hold dear. So either we will have to betray our own values and force them the values of the enlightment upon them, which will never happen as they are too many already to simply be absorbed by the local culture, or incentive is offered to return to their homelands combined with a policy of and sensible vetting on who is let in. Otherwise we are having a ticking timebomb waiting to explode within the borders of several countries as these very groups are the fastest growing ones. This is without counting on the refugees who arrived last year.
  14. Kennedy praised Hitler, so there's that.
  15. They are not fleeing islam as a religion. They colonising and creating their own societies. You mean to say that most of them are fleeing war, persecution or poverty in their own countries and we don't let them to integrate to our society but instead we put them for years in centers where they have little to none daily interaction with main population. I would point out that tens of thousands of Muslim refugees are willing to convert to Christianity (although often motivated y hope that makes us to let them stay) Strange how middle eastern and north african muslims fail to integrate into western societies while the rest does even if you take into account the detriment policy of dumping anyone into the ghetto. Previously we invited Salman Rushdies to the west to live in freedom from tyranny, but last year the door was open for any jester fooling the lady border patrol officer that he suddenly wants to be christian and if you don't open the border for him, he and his pals will storm it, throw rocks at you or any other means necessary. It is strange how there are several (5) restaurants run by middle eastern and north african muslims just one kilometer radius from my home So well integrated that they are exporting the best back: http://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/cnn_finland_tops_list_of_countries_with_muslim_fighters_in_syria/7446816 The world would be better of by sending them all back, build a wall around them, wait a few hundred years, and open the door and hopefully something civilized will emerge from the other side. Perpetually importing people from regions that do nothing but destabilizing a society is simply not going to cut it. Better do it now in a civilized matter before creating the balkanisation begins the inevitable war begins. So 30 people went in Syria to be terrorists and nearly 1000 of them decided to make pizza and kebabs in Tampere. Those are just the most hardcore ones. But being the best ISIS-exporter should tell you something about what you're dealing with compared to other groups like those from south america or east asia. So nevermind the disproportional amount of violence committed by said groups in almost every other european country already with a continuous negative trend, as long as you get that those restaurants, anything is permitted. http://i.imgur.com/EHbUiOU.jpg
  16. They are not fleeing islam as a religion. They colonising and creating their own societies. You mean to say that most of them are fleeing war, persecution or poverty in their own countries and we don't let them to integrate to our society but instead we put them for years in centers where they have little to none daily interaction with main population. I would point out that tens of thousands of Muslim refugees are willing to convert to Christianity (although often motivated y hope that makes us to let them stay) Strange how middle eastern and north african muslims fail to integrate into western societies while the rest does even if you take into account the detriment policy of dumping anyone into the ghetto. Previously we invited Salman Rushdies to the west to live in freedom from tyranny, but last year the door was open for any jester fooling the lady border patrol officer that he suddenly wants to be christian and if you don't open the border for him, he and his pals will storm it, throw rocks at you or any other means necessary. It is strange how there are several (5) restaurants run by middle eastern and north african muslims just one kilometer radius from my home So well integrated that they are exporting the best back: http://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/cnn_finland_tops_list_of_countries_with_muslim_fighters_in_syria/7446816 The world would be better of by sending them all back, build a wall around them, wait a few hundred years, and open the door and hopefully something civilized will emerge from the other side. Perpetually importing people from regions that do nothing but destabilizing a society is simply not going to cut it. Better do it now in a civilized matter before creating the balkanisation begins the inevitable war begins.
  17. They are not fleeing islam as a religion. They colonising and creating their own societies. You mean to say that most of them are fleeing war, persecution or poverty in their own countries and we don't let them to integrate to our society but instead we put them for years in centers where they have little to none daily interaction with main population. I would point out that tens of thousands of Muslim refugees are willing to convert to Christianity (although often motivated y hope that makes us to let them stay) Strange how middle eastern and north african muslims fail to integrate into western societies while the rest does even if you take into account the detriment policy of dumping anyone into the ghetto. Previously we invited Salman Rushdies to the west to live in freedom from tyranny, but last year the door was open for any jester fooling the lady border patrol officer that he suddenly wants to be christian and if you don't open the border for him, he and his pals will storm it, throw rocks at you or any other means necessary.
  18. They are not fleeing islam as a religion. They colonising and creating their own societies.
  19. "Be nice to muslims or they will kill you, because islam is the religion of peace", the post. No The message is "if someone becomes an extremist, help him and solve the problems that made him an extremist, don't just radicalise him further by showing more hate". Is that really so difficult to understand? In order for him to not become an extremist is to either convert to Islam or to submit to Islamic rule and pay some jizya. Now what?
  20. "Be nice to muslims or they will kill you, because islam is the religion of peace", the post.
  21. Some could say that there would be much less people immigrating if France had not conquered quite lot other countries in North Africa, Middle East and Asia. France had the option to say "nah, too much potential trouble", but they didn't.
  22. None of those problems would've occured if there weren't any immigration to begin with from north africa and the middle east. Funny that, a policy of doing nothing wouldn't cause a problem. It's almost like it is of a systematic nature.
  23. I just watched "All the President's Men". Completely unrealistic, no way journalists are that committed to their job. A total fantasy-piece, that's what it is.
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