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NWN2 News September 14, 2007

Will Project X be a good game?  

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Neverwinter Nights 2 Community Update

September 14, 2007


It's that time again. This week we look at the Sacred Fist prestige class, a couple great community mods and the Sundren Persistent World.


Mask of The Betrayer


Sacred Fist

Sacred Fists are independent organizations found within many temples. Their ascetic members have turned their divine magic inward, bringing their bodies and wills into harmony. Sacred Fists have forsworn the use of weapons and heavy armor. They consider their bodies and minds gifts from their deity, and they believe that not developing those gifts to their fullest potential is a sin. Spellcasting does not dishonor them or their deity. Sacred Fists are strong in faith, will and body.


Clerics are excellent candidates for Sacred Fist orders. Paladins may also choose to join them, but are seldom comfortable surrendering the trappings of their calling. Fighters, rogues, bards and even ex-monks may make good candidates, provided they have enough levels in a class that grants divine spells. Druids occasionally find the class's combat skills useful, but sorcerers and wizards find little to interest them.



  • Base Attack Bonus: +4
  • Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Combat Casting.
  • Skills: Lore 8 ranks
  • Spellcasting: Ability to cast 1st level divine spells.
Class Features:
  • Hit Die: d8
  • Base Attack Bonus: High.
  • High Saves: Fortitude and Reflex.
  • Proficiencies: Sacred Fists gain no proficiency with any weapons, armor or shields.
  • Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier.
  • Class Skills: Concentration, Heal, Lore, Spellcraft and Tumble.
  • Spells per Day/Spells Known: When a new Sacred Fist level is gained (except levels 4 and 8 ), the character gains new spells per day as though he had gained a level in whatever divine spellcasting class gave him access to 1st-level divine spells. If the caster had more than one applicable divine spellcasting class, he must pick one to improve.
  • AC Bonus: When unencumbered and wearing light or no armor, a 1st level Sacred Fist gains a +1 AC bonus. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, and +3 at 10th level.
  • Unarmed Damage: A Sacred Fist deals unarmed combat as a monk of equal level. A Sacred Fist's monk level (if any) stacks with his class level for the purposes of determining unarmed damage.
  • Fast Movement: If the Sacred Fist has levels of Monk, his Sacred Fist level stacks with his monk level for purposes of determining Monk Speed. Otherwise he gets the equivalent of Monk Speed at 3rd level, and it progresses identically to the 3rd level monk ability Monk Speed.
  • Sacred Flames: At 4th level the Sacred Fist can invoke sacred flames around his fists. These flames add to the Sacred Fist's unarmed damage. The additional damage is equal to the Sacred Fist's class level plus Wisdom modifier. This lasts 10 combat rounds. This ability initially can only be used once per day, increasing to twice per day at 8th level.
  • Uncanny Dodge: At 6th level, the Sacred Fist retains any Dexterity bonus to AC when flat-footed or when struck by an invisible attacker.
  • Inner Armor: At 10th level, the Sacred Fist can protect himself from harm once per day. He gets a +4 sacred bonus to AC, a +4 sacred bonus on all saves, and a spell resistance equal to 25 for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom modifier.
Community Works


Bastard Sword Override by Riuthamus



It looks as though Riuthamus has started a series of custom weapon models. The goal looks to be to make more accurate, and less fantastic weapons. His first weapon pack, Bastard Swords, can be found here on NWVault.


RWS Bridge Pack by Robinson Workshop



The guys at Robinson Workshop have released their bridge pack. You can have a look here on NWVault.



Persistent World Spotlight: Sundren

by Saulus Mursadus


What is Sundren?

Allow me to introduce Sundren. Sundren is a low magic Neverwinter Nights 2 persistent world, in the heavy roleplaying category. We are constantly improving our module, as well as the extensive backend we provide for the server. We also provide a community portal with forums and a photo gallery which our users can submit images to. The website is hosted on a dedicated server, as is our in-house client updater and our development server. What this means for you as a player, is that our uptime is nothing short of excellent, and that you will be able to be online when you please, independent of what time zone you just might happen to live in. Our development server and bug tracking system allows us to replicate and respond to the bugs you report much, much faster.




Sundren is set in the Forgotten Realms, using a timeline only slightly altered from the material provided by Wizards of the Coast. The land of Sundren is located south of Icewind Dale, near the spine of the world. Encircled by imposing mountain ranges and treacherous reefs, Sundren is a very recent land in the Forgotten Realms timeline. Having never been plagued by the wars and territory disputes of older kingdoms, Sundren has recently become the focus of several organizations interested in the vast amount of precious minerals the country


Recommended Comments



Forgot to mention our URL. :)




Our find us under the roleplay section.


Get our client updater here.


Server IP: nwn2.sundren.org



Sacred Fists are stong in faith, will and body.

You really wanted to write "STONG" or it was "STRONG"?


If "stong"... what does it means?



but sorcerers and wizards fins little to interest them.

Ehm... what do you mean "sorcerers and wizards FINS"?



Thanks, Rob, for taking the time to update here! It's obvious you folks are incredibly busy just now, and I appreciate your commitment to finding the time to post. Wow, the screenshots of Sundren look fantastic! I hope someday we get broadband available in the far reaches where I live. I have tried with dialup, but my connection is just too slow to play online. But I can certainly see the care and skill that went into those areas! Well done, Sundren team.




Baron Rosencheck1


Hellfire and I would like to extend our thanks to Rob and the folks at Obsidian for the invite to the press event on thursday. All I can say is how impressed we were with the enthusiasm each member we spoke to had about MotB. Hellfire I know spoke to each designer, artist, coder he could. And we have a few nice surprises for the community thanks to their help I think.


We are going to do a write up of our experience there and have Maximus post up on the vault sometime early next week.


I also second Rob's suggestion to everyone to DL Purgatoria when it is released..the level of quality in that mod is just stupendous, from the hours of custom music tracks to the voice overs..All I could do sitting there was just gape at the amount of work Rogue Dao has done..Adjectives fail me.


Thanks again...

Rob McGinnis


Sacred Fists are stong in faith, will and body.

You really wanted to write "STONG" or it was "STRONG"?


If "stong"... what does it means?



but sorcerers and wizards fins little to interest them.

Ehm... what do you mean "sorcerers and wizards FINS"?


what errors? o:)




You have made me creazy on translating! :lol:


However... do you know if Rogue Dao uses custom TLK files?

I would enjoy very much if Purgatorio and others mod of the series would be "easy" to translate for intenations communities!




You have made me creazy on translating! :lol:


However... do you know if Rogue Dao uses custom TLK files?

I would enjoy very much if Purgatorio and others mod of the series would be "easy" to translate for intenations communities!


We are planning on putting all in-game text into a single tlk for easier translation. Note however, the phrase "easier translation" rather than "easy translation." Even with a single tlk to work with it'll still be a monumental task to translate over a quarter million words of very cant-heavy dialog and description into other languages.


We will do everything we can to make it as easy as possible for people to translate it ;)


And thanks so much for the kind words Rob and Baron. Everyone on the team really appreciates it.


This would all be impossible without the power of the NWN2 engine and toolset, so we've got Obsidian and Atari to thank for making another Planescape adventure possible.



Obivious "easier"... my mystake! o:)

I used quotation marks just to "grab" the sense: "easy but not easy". ;)

Actually "easier" sounds better. o:)


However there is another thing useful if you'll use TLK files: you'll be able to test TLK features and report issues to Obsidian. ;)

I'm in the habit of doing bi-laguage contents (ENG/ITA... even if I'm not so good with English), so I really look forward for TLK feature improvement! :thumbsup:





That first Sundren screeny is very very nice.


NWN2 SF seems to be very faithful to the PnP SF. The swap of uncanny dodge for blindsense 10ft. is the only difference I see. I suspect it's easy to change that. Not that I mind the swap. Clerics and druids get blindsight spell anyway. If The Devs saw this then I'm happy they are paying attention to these details.



Obivious "easier"... my mystake! o:)

I used quotation marks just to "grab" the sense: "easy but not easy". ;)

Actually "easier" sounds better. o:)


However there is another thing useful if you'll use TLK files: you'll be able to test TLK features and report issues to Obsidian. ;)

I'm in the habit of doing bi-laguage contents (ENG/ITA... even if I'm not so good with English), so I really look forward for TLK feature improvement! :thumbsup:


I guess you didn't realice that custom TLKs doesn't work on conversations :D




Obivious "easier"... my mystake! o:)

I used quotation marks just to "grab" the sense: "easy but not easy". ;)

Actually "easier" sounds better. o:)


However there is another thing useful if you'll use TLK files: you'll be able to test TLK features and report issues to Obsidian. ;)

I'm in the habit of doing bi-laguage contents (ENG/ITA... even if I'm not so good with English), so I really look forward for TLK feature improvement! :thumbsup:


I guess you didn't realice that custom TLKs doesn't work on conversations :D

Unfortunately I do realize TLK system has some issues, yet.

That's the second motivation I hope Rogue Dao guys will try to adopt TLK for an easy translatability of custom products.


I think Rogue Dao guys are (rightly) trusted by Obisdian guys.

So I hope them could create a direct "link" to excange TLK use informations and issues... so finally we'll have got a better international support for custom content. ;)



I'm editing a module using a custom TLK files.

If you use "Custom TLK" check it doesn't work, because it adds automatically 2147483648 to your custom ResRef value and treat it as a starndard ResRef value.

At the contrary, if you manually add 16777216 (instead of 2147483648) to your custom ResRef and manually you treat it as starndard ResRef value, it works in the game!


So the problem is Toolset uses different file names and location, and different custom ResRef values than the game!



Custom file shouldn't have .tlk extension and should be located in the NWN2 installation directory.

Custom ResRef value will be treated as standard ResRef value + 2147483648.



Custom file should have .tlk extension and should be located in Documents' NWN2 tlk directory.

Custom ResRef value will be treated as standard ResRef value + 16777216.


I tested it with objects names and descriptions, with dialogues, and with scripts... and it works.

But if you use "Toolset method", you can see toolset text, but in game you'll see standard dialog.tlk entryes (es: custom ResRef 1 will be Barbarian as standard ResRef 1).

Instead if you use "Game method", you'll see it correctly in the game, but you'll see nothing in the toolset! So it's really hard to manage a game-working TLK module in the toolset!



We've got custom.tlk file, with entry 0 is "Holy Mount" (:brows:) and entry 1 is "Light Ray".

Toolset: To see it properly into the toolset, you need the file named "custom" (with no extension) in NWN2 installation folder (i.e.: C:\Programs\Atari\Neverwinter Nights 2\"), and when you'll set entry 0 as ResRef wherever, it will use 2147483648, and it will use 2147483649 for custom entry 1. But in Game you will see 0 as nothing and 1 as Barbarian, as it is in standard dialog.tlk NWN2 file!

Game: To see it properly into the game, you need a copy of custom.tlk (with extension) in Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\tlk folder, and to treat custom entries as standard entries + 16777216... so custom entry 0 will be 16777216 and custom entry 1 will be 16777217. But in the toolset you'll see nothing/empty!!!


So, my suggestion is to fix the toolset, so the "Game method" would be valid and automatic in the Toolset, too... ;)


[sorry for bad English... I can't re-read it to search for mistakes! I have to hurry! Bye!]

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