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About obyknven

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  1. Pure-blood Caucasian car tuning style from North Caucasus. https://vimeo.com/183985694
  2. European (Icelandic) girls prefer Russian alpha-males. http://youtu.be/jtYLvnZvd8I
  3. Western hysteria - NATO agents surrounded with other jihadists in Allepo, Westlings can't evacuate them because of Russian no-fly zone and these SpecOps agents must die or surrender to Russians/Syrians soon. Obviously for West is much better if these servicemen just die, but what if they survive and uncover secrets about Al-Qaeda joint operations? Risk is too high! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/10/06/un-diplomat-offers-to-personally-escort-900-al-qaeda-fighters-ou/ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/10/06/un-diplomat-offers-to-personally-escort-900-al-qaeda-fighters-ou/
  4. Meanwhile in Turkey - success of Murikan diplomacy. New Middle-Eastern fashion
  5. Butthurt. https://sofrep.com/63764/us-special-forces-sabotage-white-house-policy-gone-disastrously-wrong-with-covert-ops-in-syria/
  6. Just Ukrainian uniform. Your face when you wear c*** on head Ukrainain hat is hairy and fat, but remind to us classic soviet shaved subtle c*** hat.
  7. Kerry fail diplomacy with Russian government and try make diplomacy with Russian people. Common reaction of Russians - lol, gtfo, wtf nonsense i hearing. Epic Murican diplomatic skills make us lol.. http://youtu.be/9uzUiBbW_-E
  8. Russia establish no-fly zone in Syria. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-russia-syria-missiles-idUSKCN1261H7?il=0 .
  9. bump by Vladimir Mayakovsky and futurists from Russian Empire (1912 year)
  10. https://www.rt.com/usa/361533-assange-documents-elections-usa/ Hillary must win - Murica deserve such president.
  11. Ha, I like how True Russian style is driving around in German cars xD Just Russian tradition since 1945
  12. T-90 demonstration for Arabic custmers. http://youtu.be/SEHdJtc0F90
  13. Know the difference: Fake Russian style from jealous Westlings. http://youtu.be/MdYGQ7B0Vew True Russian style. http://youtu.be/pbL6P_z9YyY
  14. bump by half-elfes-Russians. Western crying about extinction of white people because of weak genes/mix with Africans make Russians lol. In Russia half-Russian are Russians also. http://youtu.be/87zaZ4--Ehk http://youtu.be/Gji4s1i6F_w
  15. Emperor upon us - Barbarians under us! http://youtu.be/EnaAUgrrrXM
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