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AI behavior on investigating (and walking over) traps.



So I have noticed a very interesting (what I am assuming is a bug), Where AI upon hearing/noticing a trap that has been laid in their area (from stealth by my rogue usually), will receive the distracted debuff and walk to investigate (this is expected). What is not expected is that they will stop IMMEDIATELY on the edge of the trap, it doesn't matter what type or how many enemies there are. In fact, in some areas (such as the Old City Ruins), the massive amount of corpse monster there (playing on Veteran difficulty) have more than once "bunched up" in a semi-circle staring at a trap.


I can get them to walk over it if I come out of stealth immediately switching to my pistols and shooting the closest target to incite their wrath. This just seems like rather odd and possibly unintended behavior.


I will attempt to take a screenshot of this if I can remember the next time I see it happening (it has happened on at least 5 separate occasions when setting traps).


Another problem with traps I've found is that placing traps can be very finicky at times especially traps cast by spells like the lightning ward spell (forget the name atm). I sometimes find monsters standing or even walking through a good bit through the visibly indicated edges of the trap area. The lightning ward does not look small either so it is rather confounding to see it sit there for an entire fight not being triggered as tons of corpses walk past it/through it.

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I am wondering if it has something to do with the fact that the investigation is based on the distracted mechanic and not something else. It would be kind of a shame if it was, as it just seems odd that they would behave the same to a trap (which should otherwise be invisible to them) as they would be to a bomb exploding.

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