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Party/Player Effects not working as Intended



My main character is wearing Fair Favor (the hat from Serafin), while Pallegina also has Exalted Focus on. Makes Sense they wouldn't stack but the hat should take prioprity since it's better (I thought) but Swashbuckling doesn't show up as an effect. Even when I have her switch auras. I'm just trying to be a Crit machine but I'm beginning to not trust what shows up as an active effect.

Also, notice I have Cosmo as the Party Pet yet the Party Pet Bonus doesn't match what Cosmo is supposed to give us.


dropbox link https://www.dropbox.com/s/utpfqxjj80s62tb/Zdeave%20%28PokoKoharaRuins%29%20%28bcb1e1a0-231b-4dce-8e29-5704e1f3cc39%29%20%28767623936%29.zip?dl=0

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