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Everything posted by Beamer92

  1. I saw this same behavior and had basically this exact progress, so it could be linked. I did think it was odd that Xoti blew up so quickly. On the other hand, given the state of our world right now it didn't really seem THAT out of place Still, probably happened a bit sooner than intended.
  2. You can really take advantage of Leap as a Barbarian, sometimes to your detriment. For example in Hasongo there have been 2 spots I've leapt over things I shouldn't have. The first was at the Battlements with naga separated by Barrels, I just leapt up the side of the building and destroyed them and had my team go around. probably not intended, but funny. Next I leapt over the Rubble to the south of the map. That was a bit more of a problem because now I'm separated from my team and I can't go through any of the scripts or tunnels to get back to them. The rubble also was only attack-able but immune to damage so I couldn't get through. Luckily I was able to cheese getting back up the grappling rope if they were near on the top side. The naga archers having advantage is cool but a little incomplete. Naturally I try to break it and sometimes it breaks me.
  3. My main character is wearing Fair Favor (the hat from Serafin), while Pallegina also has Exalted Focus on. Makes Sense they wouldn't stack but the hat should take prioprity since it's better (I thought) but Swashbuckling doesn't show up as an effect. Even when I have her switch auras. I'm just trying to be a Crit machine but I'm beginning to not trust what shows up as an active effect. Also, notice I have Cosmo as the Party Pet yet the Party Pet Bonus doesn't match what Cosmo is supposed to give us. dropbox link https://www.dropbox.com/s/utpfqxjj80s62tb/Zdeave%20%28PokoKoharaRuins%29%20%28bcb1e1a0-231b-4dce-8e29-5704e1f3cc39%29%20%28767623936%29.zip?dl=0
  4. This crash happened right after the "cutscene" with the Pallid Knight and the other gods. Would've been the first Cutscene, right after the leaving the fort. Was on my ship. Logs attached. 2018-05-11_191004.zip
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