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Guys, if I wanted to build a Wizard that focused on Conjured Aura's/Weapons as my primary source of damage.


Single or Multi? How are level 8 and 9 spells like Enchanced Armory, Cloak of death - Piercing Sigil, Blackbow?  Are these gonna be enough of a reward to forgo many benefits you can obtain from martial classes??


I'll have access to echanting and transmutation, both offer signifancy buffs and debuffs as well?


If mulit is really the better choice, what are my best options? Any synergies that spring to mind?


And lastly, is a ranged Caster Wizard or even Druid (Fury) - Going to deal more damage than this type of build??


Thanks for any help




I've decided on the Class I wanna Be - Sage - Wizard/Monk


As I don't know how a lot of the mechanics work for stuff, a few basic questions.


Wizard will be a conjurer, idea is to summon weapons, aura's etc - use enchanting and trans to buff/debuff etc.


What would be the best Monk Subclass for this build?


Helwalker might be a tad to risky? I paired it with a Fire Godlike as they get tougher the weaker they get but this seems like it probably won't help much.


I'm not entirely sure how wounds work - If I cast a spell like Spirit Shield, will I gain wounds more slowly, as I take less damage?


So, perhaps Shattered Pillar Monk?


What about Drug Monk for this type of thing.


And Finally, what Attribute spread is going to be good for this type of build?


What can I dump? What should I focus?


Aye, but if anyone has any info for the above, I didn't play the beta - so my knowledge of the game is slim.


Just want - Which Monk Sub is Best with Conjurer Wizard using conjured weapons.

Helwalker seems a bit filmsy maybe - have no idea how good Drug Monk is - Shattered Pillar the best bet?


And then what would the attribute spread look like - Can I dump any stat with this build? Or...???


Aye I saw this thread, when making my mind up whether to Multi or Single this type of Wizard, was very helpful, so thanks for that.


Now just to know which Sub-Class of Monk and Stat Spread and I can finally start the game XD


Some help on which Monk Sublcass for a weapon based Conjuration Wziard would be legit, as well as stat spread.


What stats are needed most/dumpable for this kinda build???

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