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Berserker Ability Tree Missing Skills



Is it seriously intended that the Berserker sub-class of the barbarian has -3- less ability options and no capper for his signature ability?


I'd like to know if this is intended or something that got screwed up at the last minute. It certainly makes the class as a whole lose most of its' luster (Especially considering I wanted to use the Spirit tornado side...)


I could at least see him having a completely -unique- three passive tree with different abilities, but to actually remove a whole tier from a class that while very fun has a narrow pool of actives doesn't seem to match the design of the rest of the game. Is there a single other melee subclass they did this with?


EDIT: I mean ghost heart still has heal companion which doesn't even make sense. Just seems really peculiar.

Edited by erragal
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Hello erragal,


Thanks for posting and sorry to hear youre having problems with the Berserker class. Would you be able to get us a save depicting the issue you are seeing?





I like big bugs and I cannot lie...

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This is of interest to me as well so here are screenshots of the issue:


First here's the normal Barbarian Ability Tree:




And here's the Berserker's Ability Tree:




So the Berserker is missing Blood Storm, Spirit Frenzy and Spirit Tornado (which seems a shame given they are focused on Frenzy).


I checked using the "AddAbility" command and there are Berserker versions of these abilities (Blood_Storm_Berserker, Spirit_Frenzy_Berserker and Spirit_Tornado_Berserker) so I assume this is a bug.

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