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After defeating this guy and his goons I couldn't get out of combat. He had left his Burning Veins poison effect on one of my party members and it kept refreshing itself.


(I suppose I could have let her die, but I have so many passive healing effects going on)


I had no antidote handy, but after using Withdraw it stopped refreshing and I got out. Still, I take it this shouldn't be necessary. Or are you meant to either cure it or have a knockout?

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That also sounds the case to me, thank you for reporting this! I will get the issue logged for our devs to investigate.





I like big bugs and I cannot lie...

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The devs are having issues seeing exactly what you are experiencing. Can you tell me what location you are seeing this issue with Forgemaster Tethys?

I like big bugs and I cannot lie...

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Same problem here, in perma-combat due to the Burning Veins debuff from Forgemaster Tethys in Drowned Barrows entrance level.

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