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My problem with Bounty: Ysly and bounties in general

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Ysly pissed off the Doemnels. I hate the Doemnels and I have a rep of Terror with them. It would be fully in character to actually warn Ysly of the bounty and help her get safe, failing the quest. It would not be in character to help the Doemnels in any way. Of course, all bounties so far have been immediately hostile and attacked on sight, despite the fact that they can't know why I'm there. Makes sense for some, but for others it seems they might be willing to talk me out of it, but that's never an option. I assume I'll get the same result walking up to Ysly.

This kind of ruins immersion for me. :( 

I'm going to have to live with an unfinished quest.

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Well, what a cabal of wizards is doing in an Engwythan Ruin that holds souls is beyond me and seems quite dangerous and well if they attack you on sight you can just RP the fact that they are doing something they are not supposed to be, You had the full intent of talking it out but they thought otherwise, regardless of who puts up the bounty if they are bad they are bad...  But yes you are right, It might be out of character for some to take the quest.  

Edited by Torm51

Have gun will travel.

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I guess bounty hunting itself is out of character for a lot of MCs if we're honest.

It's just a quick and tempting way to get a lot of XP, gold and (sometimes) unique items - and because of that most players can't resist it, even if they play a benevolent/honest Priest of Spiffy Famosa (the fluffy pink unicorn of love and peace). ;)

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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I guess bounty hunting itself is out of character for a lot of MCs if we're honest.


It's just a quick and tempting way to get a lot of XP, gold and (sometimes) unique items - and because of that most players can't resist it, even if they play a benevolent/honest Priest of Spiffy Famosa (the fluffy pink unicorn of love and peace). ;)

Eh most if not all of those characters are nasty things, so I don't see why not.  Run away murderers, Xaurip trying to nest with a Dragon, Swamp things attacking trade caravans, Trolls with Wild druids, Slavers, Pirates, Fampyrs, a serial killer eothasian priest and a law breaking looting Chanter.  The only two that are not possibly bad is the Vithraks and The cabal of wizards.  But you can RP those easily with the full intention of talking and they do not let you!


Also the wizards are tinkering around in a very dangerous ruin, even if you destroyed it.

Edited by Torm51

Have gun will travel.

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And the ones in the White March are just out right evil lmao.  Cult of Dragon worshippers who burned down villages, Aedyrn's with too much money that murder people for sport (purgers lmao), Crazed Berathians who think its their job to keep the wheel fed and turning, Magranites who are pyromaniacs burning down more villages lol etc. and that Cipher who is just going around with his group trying to make people kill themselves lmao they are all crazies.


I think my point is Obsidian did a good job with the bounties as even good RP characters can do them save maybe two and even those two seem like evil people.  Now yes if you hate the Deomenels no matter what even if they are after an evil wizard your char couldnt RP that.  But it is only one quest and yes it will sit in your log lol

Edited by Torm51
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Have gun will travel.

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