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Combat does not stop after opponents are dead




Combat didn't stop after a fight with the Engwithan titan and a scarab.


Steps to Reproduce the Issue:

I initiated combat with the Engwithan titan (and a scarab joined the combat).

Three of my party were knocked out; two remained standing.

The titan was killed.

The scarab was killed.

Combat did not end; my chanter kept chanting, and I couldn't see a way to stop combat.

Eventually I reloaded the quicksave from just before the combat. This time, things proceeded normally and combat ended upon the death of the opponents.


Important Files:



I get an error trying to attach the quicksave from before the referenced battle: You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file.

I renamed the file, appending ".txt", and uploaded that successfully.



Output Log

The output log is too big a file to upload.


System Specs

System specs are attached as "DxDiag.txt".



Don't have any.


Panauala (PokoKoharaRuins) (7eb709ba-2ec2-4762-9f08-197d693218e1) quicksave.savegame.txt

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Hey There Epimetreus!


We have this currently bugged in our system for the devs to investigate. Thanks for the assist! Ill add the info to let them know its been brought up by the community as well.


You the best,



I like big bugs and I cannot lie...

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