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  • 0 Cabin in the Snow - extra card feat


Posted (edited)



Story mode

Normal difficulty

Seelah, Lem, Lini and Merciel


I started new fresh croup and speed played it to the level 6. When I finishes 6-1 Cabin in the snow, I did get power feat and card feat (extra card slot).

The power feat was what it should have been, so the card feat was an extra and that is a bug.


Edited by Hannibal_PJV

4 answers to this question

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This exists ever since AD6 has been launched. My working theory is - this is the card feat that you should get for completing the Adventure Path (the app has no Adventure Path UI in which to even announce you should get such a reward); and this is definitely a better time to get the feat then when you have already beaten Karzoung and it's all over.


I would agree though, that it would be best if they just write in the Card feat as part of the Cabin in the Snow reward.

You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

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Still present - and you receive two Card feats for playing through AD6 as "adventure rewards"... Yes, Card feat received after beating Karzoug is strange, but it is written this way.

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