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Extra card feat in story mode.



I completed 6-1 last night and got the power feat as usual, but I also got a card feat. Just one and I was able to work through it.


I see that there is a similar thread about card feats in quest mode. I hope I didn't err but felt this was different enough being a single erroneous card feat in story mode to warrant its own thread.

7 answers to this question

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The Adventure reward is a card feat. Did you switch around characters during play? If a character won every scenario in deck 6 except Cabin in the Snow and then she won Cabin in the snow, we'd grant you the Adventure reward at that time as well.

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The Adventure reward is a card feat. Did you switch around characters during play? If a character won every scenario in deck 6 except Cabin in the Snow and then she won Cabin in the snow, we'd grant you the Adventure reward at that time as well.


I'm playing with the same party, only played Cabin in the Woods, got a power feat and a card feat.

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The Adventure reward is a card feat. Did you switch around characters during play? If a character won every scenario in deck 6 except Cabin in the Snow and then she won Cabin in the snow, we'd grant you the Adventure reward at that time as well.


I'm playing with the same party, only played Cabin in the Woods, got a power feat and a card feat.


I can can confirm this is true. I just unlocked AD6 and started the very first scenario. After completing it I was rewarded with a Power feat as stated, but for some odd reason I also got a card feat. Clearly this is not intended so... i'm currently worried as to what will happen next. If i complete the whole AD6 adventure does that mean I'll have another extra card feat?

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This happened to me as well, it very much feels like an extra unintended card feat rather than the game making up for previously missing card feats. I do not recall ever missing a card feat for the current party that I used to beat 6-1.

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