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Goblin Warchanter still confuses temporary closing



(previous shenanigans: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/90515-i-think-i-just-banished-the-villain/ )


This is less complicated than that time (maybe). Sajan encountered Rogors Craesby in the Desecrated Shrine. Lini is the only character in a different location, specifically the Farmhouse, so she attempts to close. Random monster is Warchanter; she easily clears the Wisdom check and defeats it without trouble using her bow. Except, when she rolls for the combat check, it's Sajan's portrait that is in the corner (but still with Lini's hand and abilities).


I didn't pay attention to what was temporarily closed on the closing screen, but I guess it must have been the Shrine, because when Sajan failed to defeat the villain, he escaped into the Farmhouse and the other open location.



Android 6.0.1 on Nvidia Shield tablet K1


Story mode, Crow Bait, Legendary difficulty, Alert Guards and Night Approaches

Pass and play and permadeath both off

Party of Sajan, Seelah and Lini

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Once again banished the villain to this bug. Here's how it went down:


1. Sajan encounters Mammy Graul in the Woods.

2. Seelah attempts to close the Farmhouse. Goblin Warchanter is chosen as the random summon.

3. Seelah attempts to play a weapon, succeeds the Wisdom check. Her weapon is played out but now it's Sajan's check.

4. A VRT is executed, on return Sajan is now fighting Mammy Graul, with difficulty 14(for some reason???). Seelah's weapon is still on the check - and even if it's removed Sajan is unable to use his Unarmed Strike. Further VRTs reset it to this state. Mammy Graul's card is not shown.

5. Sajan is able to play several blessings on the check and recharge them.

6. Sajan defeats Mammy Graul, the card reappears in order to display the banish animation.

7. The temporary closing screen reappears, the Woods are temporarily closed.

8. After dismissing the temporary closing screen, Sajan immediately fights whatever monster it was that was the last card in the Woods deck. Following its defeat he attempts to permanently close the location, which is slightly confusing as it still appears closed from the temporary closure.


Of course the real bug is just that the Warchanter check returns focus to the player whose turn it is, rather than the one that encountered it. The rest is just the game scrambling to make sense of the situation.



Android 6.0.1 on Nvidia Shield tablet K1


Story mode, Them Ogres Ain't Right, Legendary difficulty, Fortified Position and Full Packs

Pass and play and permadeath both off

Party of Sajan, Lini (Woods) and Seelah

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