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Game-breaking bug, final boss battle not triggering, can't beat game



I'm at the very end of the game standing in front of the big machine in the "Sun in Shadow" area and I just talked very briefly with Thaos but now nothing is happening...The discussion with him is over and I can walk around with my party but nothing is happening.  Thaos is standing there and the game gives me the mouse icon like I can talk to him again but when I click on him nothing happens.  I can leave the room and come back but that does nothing.  I can set my cursor to "attack cursor" and kill Thaos but then nothing happens after that, either.  No fight with Thaos gets triggered by the game, no end-game text/credits appear, etc...I even reloaded an earlier save and got stuck in this same situation a second time.  Is this a bug?  The final very brief converstaion I had with Thaos ended with the following statement "His eyes linger on you, and there is no mistaking the threat behind it, and your rage shrinks at the image of an iron wheel in your mind, monolithic and caked with the dried blood of thousands." And that's it. Now i'm just here in this room with Thaos with nothing happening. Can anyone help?

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Hey Itonet,


Can you link me your save file so I can take a look?


- Sking


Hey Sking,


Happen to have any time to look at this yet?


I've been thinking about the situation more and I wonder if something I did earlier in the game caused the ending not to trigger.  When I first got to the Twin Elms area I was just exploring everything and I found the endless pit.  I took my chances and jumped into the pit just to see what would happen.  My character ended up falling to their and being impaled on the spikes at the bottom of the pit.  At this point the game credits showed up like the game was over, but I knew that wasn't the true ending to the game so I re-loaded my last save and continued through the main quest until I got to the point where I am now where the final boss battle is not triggering.  Perhaps jumping into the pit and dying screwed up the game from triggering the final boss battle???

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I loaded your save and the combat scene triggers as usual. I killed Thaos and got the ending slides. Our game versions are not exactly the same (I have the WM2), but the good news is that your savegame is probably fine?

You should check the game installation through Steam/GOG Galaxy to make sure Pillars is up to date and no file is missing.

You can also try lowering the game resolution and graphic settings (the work-around for a similar bug)

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I loaded your save and the combat scene triggers as usual. I killed Thaos and got the ending slides. Our game versions are not exactly the same (I have the WM2), but the good news is that your savegame is probably fine?

You should check the game installation through Steam/GOG Galaxy to make sure Pillars is up to date and no file is missing.

You can also try lowering the game resolution and graphic settings (the work-around for a similar bug)


THANK YOU!  I verified the integrity of my game cache on steam, turned the graphics down to 1280x720 and dumbed down the graphics as much as I could, and disabled big heads mode.  Between those 3 things I was finally able to battle with Thaos and experience the ending to the game.  Finally!  Thank you so much.

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