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Hail'o! A particular concept of char just came to my mind: the undead killer priest. Famous for their hate for the abomination of the undead, they've got the strongest radiance possible and can kill undead relatively easily. I like it armed with some kind of crush weapon, such as mace, morning star, or better flail. A sort of crusader of the light. Can someone point me in the right direction with race, stats and gods?

Oh and, by the way.. is it worth it? I mean... are there enough undead around to justify this choice?

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




First and foremost thank you, that's no little detail at all!

I initially thought of eothas for the flail, a weapon I like so much. And a bit also for the rp aspect of eothas itself. If I take magran, will durance be redundant?

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 



Posted (edited)

St. Ydwen's (=St. Waidwen's) Redeemer is connected to Eothas, Berath doesn't like it when souls don't return to the wheel. Both are fitting I guess.

The most effective way to be a great slayer of vessels is to be the main char, have very high MIG (using buffs), picking sanctifier, using the bartender's ring and pick the right dialogue choices. That way you can severely damage vessels with your Holy Radiance. All the minor trash mob vessels will die from it. At higher levels even darguls and later also fampyrs drop dead. Very convenient.

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


With a priest I won't be able to wield that sword anyway... Berath seems fitting with his hate for undead...sanctifier is cool, bartender's ring is great, and of course the great difference is made via dialogue choices...  the only thing is berath favors mace and great sword... i only like maces...great sword is not very to my liking.. Nightshroud instead is a great weapon...

All that is left is a shield... must still choose... 


and race... maybe dwarf...

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




M: 15

C: 8

D: 10

P: 12

I: 16

R: 14

This allocation is lacking some points...2 I think...  I made a Mountain dwarf, and it comes to:









Well...all the better after all... but maybe I should change something...

And what about...origin for example? I gave it Ecclesiastic...for 2 lore, in Aedyr... My lore is 4 right now..

and 1 Athletics... what shall I bring up? Even some survival could prove useful... bonus for vessels for example...

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 



Posted (edited)

If you like Nightshroud: it's a soulbound weapon and therefore works with any weapon focus - it also profits from any of those priest's talents that give +10 ACC to two weapons. Like the Pallid Hand gives you +10 for mace and Great Swords, Hope Eternal gives you +10 to flails and morning stars. Nightshroud works with all of them. 


So you could play a good hearted but dedicated eoathasian vessel slayer and start with flails - there's a nice early flail in the ruins of the temple of Eothas in Gilded Vale named "Gaun's Share" which is connected to Eothas ("Gaun" is an alias of Eothas). And once you get Nightshroud you could use that. Or you could start with a priest of Berath and use maces right away. A really nice mace for mid game lies in the cellars of the Brackenbury Sanatarium, named "Ravenwing". It's appearence and the whole raven theme fits a priest of berath nicely I'd say. 


For a shield: if you pick a dwarf the best looks you will get with a large shield (there's Thy Clef with looks great with that mace, also dark colors) - but it will not only lower your melee but also your casting ACC. But of course you'd gain a lot of deflection and reflex. If you decide for this, you could consider to lower RES a bit and put more poits into PER. You would balance out the loss of ACC and deflection you would have enough anyway. Small shields are good, but look a bit funny with maces. A medium shield  might be the best compromise, here "Refield" comes to my mind, which has the enchantment "harbinger" that decreases enemies' ACC a bit. It might fit a priest of berath well because church wardens of baerath are called "harbinger" as well as far as I know (see the church in Dyrfort). That shield comes quite late though. A nice substitute may be Ilfan Byrngar's Solace which you can find in the Endless Paths lvl 5.


What about dual wielding maces?

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


I'm always for dual wield but not in this case... I like going mace and shield, it fits my idea... if i find a bashing shield, all the better. 

I didn't think at the fact that soulbound weapons benefit from any focus... I'm trying berath right now... let's see how it goes...

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 



Posted (edited)

Just don't be disappointed because of the early game: the priest is squishy at first and can't hit things. You need to level a bit and be patient.

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


Is it better to be berath's or aeothas story-wise?

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




All of the deities for priests are ok and get covered in some way. I think berath is the way to go if you want to be a vessel slayer. He really doesn't like cheating death. And he's the most important god in the dyrwood atm.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

Posted (edited)

Good. I'll follow, then.


Some good maces to find?

Edited by Slack83er

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




As I said: Ravenwing in the Brackenbury Sanatorium is the best until you'll get and unlock Nightshroud (it's cool, but a fully enchanted Ravenwind will be better). Until then you'd have to use normal maces and enchant them yourself.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


Roger. :) T.you

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




In my defence: I purposely missed out three points from stat allocation to not include culture or race. I thought that should be up to you. ;)

That was no accusation ;) thought you just fogot.. Anyway I chose dwarf... dwarven clerics always sounded good to me.. put i picked mountain instead of boreal...

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




Out of curiosity...Boer if you can answer... Are Priests and Paladins the only classes that get personalized dialogues based on class? I never talked to someone who allowed me to say something just because I'm a... monk let's say...

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 



Posted (edited)

There are also special options which can be unlocked if you have a certain background - clergyman for example, or if you are a preist of a certain god.
Those are few, but they are there.
But what I mean is not that you unlock special answers, but that choosing the right answers that match with your god's or order's dispositions will give you bonuses.

For a priest of berath this means: if you choose a lot of stoic an rational answers and avoid cruel and passionate ones, your holy radiance becomes more powerful.

With paladins it's their defensive buff via Faith and Conviction.


Other classes couldn't care less for dispositions. Their values don't get influenced by their reputation.

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


Yeah yeah I know what you meant... I'll go forth with cleric now, he seems the most consistent choice I can make. The only doubt I have is with Eothas. His dispositions are the ones that I usually pick even if I'm not a cleric... Stoic for example is not a thing I like a lot... but let's see how it goes now. I'll let you know.

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




Brief question: do paladins have something similar vs undead? Or are the talents cleric-exclusive?

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




I'm trying Eothas now... more fitting with my moral choices... I simply can't be stoic sometimes... Do you think I should pick mountain or boreal dwarf... I went mountain, 'cos I really like 'em more thematically...

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 



Posted (edited)

From a moral perspective I'd go Shieldbearers. Honesty and diplomacy, for me can't go wrong.

Benevolent and passionate is no bad pick, mind you... Could definitely also play these. But in my playthrough I always seem to be diplomatic...

Edited by Slack83er

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 



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