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I used the humble bundle code to redeem 40 chests and I was on in the middle of opening one when the app froze and I had to restart it. When I closed and opened the app back up I lost the remaining 29 chests I had left on the account and all the cards I had previously opened that were attached to the account. 


I made sure I was signed in through game center (iOS). Is this a known issue or is there a fix for this?




5 answers to this question

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Yeah. Completely kill the app, and log out of game center. Log back in and try again.


A dev will be along at some point and get your login info.

  • 0

Yeah. Completely kill the app, and log out of game center. Log back in and try again.


A dev will be along at some point and get your login info.


I tried this and no dice unfortunately.

  • 0

I looked into the account with the PFID# you provided and the account was created today. You might be signed into the wrong Gamecenter account. Close out the game completely and open Gamecenter, make sure you are logged into the correct account and then launch the game from Gamecenter and see if that was the case.



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