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Bug: Magic ranged weapons not calculating properly



I've noticed that using magic ranged weaponry do not calculate properly on a couple of levels. Let's say character A is facing off against and enemy. Character B lends a hand by using their flaming short bow +1. On character A's role it will add one D6 to the roll, but not the +1 and it will NOT count as magic damage against enemies like Spectres and Ghosts. 

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Posted (edited)

Normally those magical bows only give +1 when you use them as Main weapon. I don't have that flaming bow, so can not be sure. Normally They only give D4 when assisting another player. Check out the exact wording of the cards (Discard this to .... Another location...)


But rules say that only the card that defines the Main attack type add traits to the check. So if someone help by using a bow, it does not add any traits to the check. So no Magic, or anything else neither. The same Also consider helping spells, items etc. The exeption is, if the card specially says that it add a spesific trait to the check in its game text.


Only the Main weapon, spell or item that is used on combat check add its traits to the check. And only the character who makes the check can define the attack type.


So for example Lini does not have a weapon or Animal in hand, so she goes to hant to hand combat with shadow. Her std is D4. She discard a card to change to a Animal and gets str d10

Merciel help with her magical bow and gives D4 and Seelah use her Divine blessing giving another D10.


Lini rolls 19 and is lucky to beat the shadow, but because the only trait comes From Linis str, the shadow is not defeated.

Edited by Hannibal_PJV
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Ugh so many random rules that don't make sense in this game. If two characters are attacking... one with a normal weapon and one with a magic weapon... then there should still be magic damage counted. Otherwise what's the point of letting other characters pitch in if the traits don't count? Sure, an added dice but that means nothing if the enemy is undefeated.


Also the game does a really bad job at communicating those kinds of exceptions. 

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This was slightly confusing in the physical version as well :)


It would be handy if the app version showed you which traits you currently had active on the roll.

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Yes, traits would be nice to see, but it does not remove the confusion about why certain traits Are not in that check.

It would be complete combat tutorial that would handle all things that Are possible in the combat and that tutorial would be really long...


But to this spesific question... Only one card can define the traits normally and it normally has to be played by the character who make the check.

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