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Favourite Class and why?

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I like Paladin, smiting infidels and healing allies. I have always enjoyed playing support characters that help other classes excel at their own roles, but I also have an ego problem and always want my PC up front with sharp swords and heavy armor. Kind Wayfarer is also a one two punch of being mechanically the best choice, and fit in with my past Paladin characters dedicated to helping troupers and travelers. Also I am a trained cartographer and map geek, the final nail in the wayfaring coffin.


Druid gets special mention, I found their spells to be a blast. If they had one or two more class talents or abilities, they may have been first choice. Druids really are one step behind the other vancian casters in terms of leveling being fun/interesting. 

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Wizard, which I used to have issues with but aside from ranger it's probably the most improved class over the course of the game. Their self buffs used to be total garbage but now they can actually be potent in off-tanking/melee roles and are very versatile and fun to use. Wizard is usually my MVP for tough fights. Priest would be second place. Pretty much all of my parties have at least one wizard and priest.


I would say Cipher is least favorite since focus mechanic leads to pretty dull spammy playstyle and very limited attribute/talent build options - they are the most convenient to have in a party for clearing "trash" and quite powerful late game, but design wise I don't like them.

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my favoritw is the bard. the expert in lore, literature, song and philosophy appeals to me the most.


i like the idea of being the moral compass of the group. honest and benevolent choices. possessing knowledge of particuler things encountered in a dungeon.


not the strongest, wisest, cleverest or most skillful, the chanter still provides knowledge a group of powerful adventurers is still going to need to survive.

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Haven't played many of the classes, but.... I'm a big fan of my Fighters. Not very exciting, I suppose, but I always make an extra to supplement Eder. Reliable and hardy.


My newest game I've made a Wizard, and I like her a lot too. I don't do damage spells and focus exclusively on CC. She is a beast and makes a lot of fights a lot easier than they would be without her. Confuse #1.

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