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3.01bug: angry mob and marshall come again



I have finished the quest about the battle of yenwood without problems.

The quest is solved and the angry mob and the marshall are gone.


Much later I get the message that the stronhold is attacked by bandits.

I returned to the stronghold and chose to solve this manually.

I chose to start the battle when I was in the grand hall.

I was teleported outside and my party and my hirelings defeted the enemies.

During this battle, the angry mob and the marshall stood before the castle entrance.

When the fight was over, I stood outside and the mob and marshall are still there.

When I talk to the marshall and tell him to start the battle, nothing happens, the dialogue field closes and when I talk to him again he says the same thing again.

The marshall is outside with the mob, nobody is inside.


I have made a save, but for some reasons I cannot make a link to dropbox from this computer.

Tomorrow I can give you the link from another computer.

1 answer to this question

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No need; it's been reported a thousand times over :) Should be fixed in 3.02

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