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Since I can't purchase Burnt Offerings, I am going to play a lot of quest mode I think.  ;)  I know it is currently a WIP.  Is there anything in specific you would like me to test for quest mode?  If nothing else, I'm sure I can stumble across weird card and character power interaction issues, hehe.

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I think the best you can offer is just feedback on the experience.  Despite being WIP, does it seem like it'll be fun?  What do you like/not like about it?  Is it something you think you'd partake in for release?


As far as bugs, just a heads up on whatever shenanigans occur is great. :)  That being said, we have a known issue where you'll be told in the Tutorial sometimes.

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I really enjoyed my first round of Quest mode—challenging but entirely manageable. I also rather like what I've seen of the leveling system.


Unfortunately, when I tried to launch a second adventure in Quest mode, the blessings deck started at 0 (rather than at 30). The game locks me into the action phase (after movement, before end of turn) and does not allow me to perform any actions. If I try to click the red arrows at the right side of the screen to prompt the game to move to the next phase, it causes the blessings deck counter to blink a bit (as though it's trying to subtract another card and start a new turn), but it doesn't do anything. Without any way to manually quit an adventure—a handy function I would love to see—I appear to be forever locked out of playing in Quest mode. Story mode still functions normally.

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I am really enjoying quest mode.  Sometimes you get very easy setups, sometimes more challenging setups and I really like that.  For someone who plays the physical card game multiple times every week, NOT knowing what I am going to get is pretty fun.  Due to the nature of random challenge levels, it would be good if there was a way to simply forfeit a game without skipping through every turn.  


I'm sure this is being actively worked on but I don't really like how quickly I level up in quest mode.  A party of four characters can hit level 5 after only one scenario.


Regarding the leveling process, I have two suggestions and some visual bugs I found.  

The first suggestion is to be able to freely switch between the skills, powers, and card feats.  Often in the physical game I look at what my powers and skills are and that helps determine what card feat I want, etc.  

The second suggestion is to have the ability to run different groups through quest mode like you do in story mode.  As far as I can tell, I can freely add and remove characters but I would like to be able to run different groups through without worrying about varying levels between the characters.  =)


Here are screenshots of the display bugs I saw during leveling in quest mode.  This is on an iPad 4th generation.  These are from quest mode games started and played last night and today.




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I am really enjoying quest mode.  Sometimes you get very easy setups, sometimes more challenging setups and I really like that.  For someone who plays the physical card game multiple times every week, NOT knowing what I am going to get is pretty fun.  Due to the nature of random challenge levels, it would be good if there was a way to simply forfeit a game without skipping through every turn.  


I'm sure this is being actively worked on but I don't really like how quickly I level up in quest mode.  A party of four characters can hit level 5 after only one scenario.


Regarding the leveling process, I have two suggestions and some visual bugs I found.  

The first suggestion is to be able to freely switch between the skills, powers, and card feats.  Often in the physical game I look at what my powers and skills are and that helps determine what card feat I want, etc.  

The second suggestion is to have the ability to run different groups through quest mode like you do in story mode.  As far as I can tell, I can freely add and remove characters but I would like to be able to run different groups through without worrying about varying levels between the characters.  =)


Here are screenshots of the display bugs I saw during leveling in quest mode.  This is on an iPad 4th generation.  These are from quest mode games started and played last night and today.





I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it despite the bugs!  The leveling rate is a known bug - we definitely don't intend for you to hit level 5 after a single scenario. :)


Your first suggestion kind of leads into my response to the second.  For the second, you should be able to create "new" versions of existing characters (its why we have the nickname feature, afterall).  So if you don't want your level 5 Merisiel to be in a starter group, but want that character, you can trade her out.  This also (flipping over to suggestion 1) allows you to play multiple versions of the same character with completely different skills and card setup.  So while it's not quite what you're looking for, we do provide a means for it.


Thanks for the screenshots!  We'll check into the issues there.


Is Quest Mode supposed to be working?

I have nothing.


Quest mode should be functional, but we'd seen issues internally where you couldn't always start the scenario.  There was definitely an issue in the initial build where it looked nonfunctional as there was a lot of missing text.  This should be resolved in the update.

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