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3.01bug: inconsistent stat stacking



I have found this item:


GM had Kanas turban (int +1) equipped. Then I equipped this item. I was out of combat, so I had full endurance.

The int of GM did not change. Then I unequipped the turban and her int went up. I did not have any other int boosting things.


steps to reproduce:

- GM has a base int of 17

- Equip Kanas turban -> int = 18

- Equip this amulet while Kanas turban is equipped -> int = 18

- remove Kanas Turban and keep the talisman equipped -> int = 19

- equip Kanas turban again while she wears the amulett -> int = 19


expected behaviour:

The item with the strongest bonus should always be active and suppress items with lower bonusses.

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