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Why was Hunters Insticts nerfed to not give a bonus vs beasts?

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And would you please change it back?


" Boreal Dwarves gain Hunter's Instincts, granting additional Accuracy against creatures of the Wilder and Beast types. " - Sawyer: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66080-races/?p=1468913


Yes there is the obvious reason of dragons, which would probably make a +15 bonus to strong, but wouldn't nerfing it to a +10 vs beasts and wilder have been preferable? A bonus vs. animals certainly makes more sense for an ability called hunters insticts than a bonus vs. oozes.


That would cover about half the hard fights in the game with a bonus slightly less than twice as strong as the wood-elf bonus (less since they also get reflex and deflection) which applies to all fights so seems fair.


It would give us a third top-tier race up there with Wood Elves and Moon Godlikes.

Edited by limaxophobiacq
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I also consider Hearth Orlans a top-tier race.

But I agree that wilder and beast makes much more sense. Why not +10 vs wilder, beast and promordial? THat way the overall bonus is still 30 points. And honestly: +10 ACC against dragons isn't overpowered at all.


And while they think about this, they could also buff the mountain dwarf's racial bonus abit. I would really like to see something like "-x% duration" for all or most of the afflictions so that it's clear that they are sturdy and tenacious. Doesn't have to be 50% - but maybe 25 or sth. like that? 

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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I agree. I was quite surprised when I actually checked the description of the ability and saw it didn't give a bonus against beasts. The name seems to fit beasts most closely since, you know, hunters mostly hunt animals, and wilders makes sense insofar as Boreal Dwarfs probably have to compete with them when out hunting.


I rate Pale Elves quite highly for tanking, though probably not top tier. I'd also like to see Mountain Dwarfs buffed a bit, but then I like Mountain Dwarfs.

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1. Primordials encompass more than oozes.

2. Unless your PC or a hireling take that race, the first Boreal Dwarf you encounter is Sagani. Which means you're going to fight a lot of primoridals before you see your next beast. Changing the bonus to primordials may or may not be a "nerf" but in terms of gameplay, it definitely helps. 

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1. Yeah, but it overwhelmingly represents creatures you wouldn't think of as beeing the targets of a hunter the way creatures in the beast group are. Which is probably why hunters insticts was clearly originally intended to work against beasts and not primordials.


2. There's lions on that very map, and if you take a right into Stormwald Gorge and Dyrford theres more of them and then beetles and spiders.

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1. Yeah, but it overwhelmingly represents creatures you wouldn't think of as beeing the targets of a hunter the way creatures in the beast group are. Which is probably why hunters insticts was clearly originally intended to work against beasts and not primordials.


2. There's lions on that very map, and if you take a right into Stormwald Gorge and Dyrford theres more of them and then beetles and spiders.

2. Yes there are, but the overwhelming majority of enemies *on that map* are primordials. You're free to play however you want, but I suspect that I, like most players, pick her up on the way to Defiance Bay (not Dyford). In which case it will be mere minutes before she sees yet more primordials, but 2-3 levels before she sees another beast. Plenty of time to give her Beast Slayer. Again, not disagreeing with your reasoning, but I can see why they made the change.

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