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Enemy stuck in trees, combat won't end, cannot use any abilities on it


Posted (edited)

Saved game: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4oh6g56n86skjvp/eab32a3c9e3945e597b752e62d9185a6%208131827%20PradoNegro.savegame?dl=0


Output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u6n400d98jejjgo/Player.log?dl=0


Load that save file. There are 3 trolls to your left. Kill the first two. Now, no matter how far you go from there the combat won't end for some reason (I believe the reason is the third troll is stuck in the trees and is still trying to follow you). Now, not only is that troll unable to move, you cannot use any abilities on it. You can't attack using a bow or any ranged weapon, the only way to attack is using a melee weapon. You can't attack using magic either, for some reason even if your character is being attacked by the troll because they are next to it, it won't work, they will run endlessly as if they couldn't see it. You cannot even use an AoE that would obviously hit the troll, it's as if he wasn't there (make Eder attack the troll with his sabre and then use Soul Shock on him. Nothing will happen).


Edit: Just noticed that they are wounded too even though I haven't done anything to them.

Edited by Luzeryn

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