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Enemies stop fighting during battle



During my fight with "The master below" (not one of the smartest things I did in PoE), all of a sudden he and his minions just "stopped battling"...
Here are two savegames (before and after) and a log-file and here is a video which shows what happens.

After this, combat did not end untill I killed all enemies which were below there as well.

I re-loaded the oldest of the two savegames which I've send and it appears that enemies do not attack me... (So it is not a matter of a simple re-load)
Combat does start, enemy casters do cast benificial effects on allies, but do not appear to attack.
Here is another video of the situation.

Edit 2:
Restarting the game seems to have solved this.

Edited by PAAC
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I had a sort of similar experience to you yesterday with the Ogre battle in Elmshore cave. Not sure if our issues are related but When the spells were flying all over the place the game acted like it got confused with all the action going on and the Ogres stopped attacking all together. I restarted the game as well and it sorted itself out. But i have noticed this happens in other battles as well. It's very rare but seems to trigger when spells and buffs are flying all over the screen. I maybe be wrong, just my observation. Not payed much attention to it as it has not hindered my fun with the game but at the same time it can be annoying in harder battles.

Edited by Forlani101
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