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So I created a super perceptive Orlan rogue being in 2nd Act on 5th lvl she has Per 21, Lore 7, Mechanics 2.

I have chosen to levelup my companion manually, so my Aloth on 5th lvl has Per 12, Mechanics 6.


As far as I planned - Orlan should notice every hidden object in game (incl. traps) and engineer Aloth should cope with every lock and trap.


BUT! My Orlan doesn't see traps (and I'm starting to doubt that she notice EVERY hidden object). Sometimes the trap she didn't see become unveiled by Aloth (with almost twice lower Perception). Needless to say, that sometimes (e.g. in Dyrford Ruins) a lot of traps stays undetected at all.


Also I've already completed the game with another rogue, being during all game at Per 16-17, Mechanics 8-10, who noticed a tons of traps and hidden objects, and successfully disarmed it...


The question is - do mechanics needed to detect traps? Either it is some sort of a bug with ultra high Perception?


I'm sorry, if I have chosen the wrong thread. And also I'm not a native English speaker.


AFAIK perception has no effect on discovering traps and hidden items - both are under mechanics - perception is only useful in that regards in conversations & scripted events I believe.

Nomadic Wayfarer of the Obsidian Order


Not all those that wander are lost...


Well, I double checked all descriptions even in different languages, and I as far as I understand that mechanics influence on trap detection, trap disarming and placing, and lock picking.


Now, the question is, whether Perception detects hidden objects (I mean those outlined with violet)? E.g. dragon skull in Black Meadow, or skeleton near Korgrak's cave, or hidden triggers in different castles, that opens secret doors.

  On 5/15/2015 at 2:51 PM, Djagga said:

Well, I double checked all descriptions even in different languages, and I as far as I understand that mechanics influence on trap detection, trap disarming and placing, and lock picking.



Mechanics is the one and only skill influencing trap- and hidden object detection.


So I'm afraid your skill distribution is wasted for your intended purpose.

  On 5/15/2015 at 3:33 PM, abaris said:

Mechanics is the one and only skill influencing trap- and hidden object detection.


So I'm afraid your skill distribution is wasted for your intended purpose.

OK than why, my Aloth with high mechanic doesn't find any hidden objects? And main char with 2 in mech and high perception actually do?


Where they are located in the party also affects what they find.  I think.  As said mechanics is the skill needed to find traps and hidden objects.  You also have to be in stealth mode.  Traps get more difficult as the game progresses.   Also give Durance if you are using him high mechanics as he needs them for his seal spells.

 I have but one enemy: myself  - Drow saying




The skills and atributes do entirely different things than in other RPGs. So it's a bit of a learning curve to get it right.


For some strange reason, the combat log always shows the PC as being the one who notices the hidden object regardless of which party member actually passes the check. Typically the party member who makes the "find" will pipe up and say something ("you should see this" from Aloth, "See what the flame has revealed" from Durance, etc).


That said, Perception has no bearing on hidden objects/traps. It's strictly Mechanics.

  On 5/15/2015 at 5:34 PM, Achilles said:

For some strange reason, the combat log always shows the PC as being the one who notices the hidden object regardless of which party member actually passes the check.


No, it doesn't. Last time it told me, Eder was the one, though he clearly didn't pass the check with 0 mechanics. It was the PC, who also piped up about the find.


Perhaps it's just whichever character is closest to the found object? That's the way it seemed to me, at least, when I was playing through the game. My character was almost always the one that commented, but she was in the lead (Paladin). Less frequently, it would be one of the other characters commenting, but the only one in my party with significant mechanics was my custom-made Rogue (second-liner).


My PC never comments (also carries 0 points in Mechanics, sans resting bonuses) and is...frequently the one who gets credit in the combat logs for the find. It's possible that it's a matter of proximity, however I'm pretty sure that my PC gets credit even when I have my "scouts" waaaay out in front. In fairness, I'm not checking the combat log after every find, but I am looking after a lot of them (usually to see the mechanics rating of the trap).

  On 5/15/2015 at 8:05 PM, Achilles said:

My PC never comments (also carries 0 points in Mechanics, sans resting bonuses) and is...frequently the one who gets credit in the combat logs for the find. It's possible that it's a matter of proximity, however I'm pretty sure that my PC gets credit even when I have my "scouts" waaaay out in front. In fairness, I'm not checking the combat log after every find, but I am looking after a lot of them (usually to see the mechanics rating of the trap).

Apologies. Instead of 'commenting' I should have said the ones that get credit. Don't know why I phrased it that way, as I actually don't recall my PC commenting at all (but I do remember the other party members saying things).


Ah, so then it sounds like you and I are seeing the same thing. Big question now is: because that person is in front (maybe it's has something to do with the order of the portraits?) or because there is some bug (what I've been assuming).


My PC comments because she's the one with 10 mechanics, which means the real stuff-finder. But the combat log reports Eder to have found something. Probably because he usually takes point.


That's actually not a question of who become credited or who comments the hidden object...

I wonder in exact attribute or skill being checked to discover exactly hidden objects (not traps). As far as my logic - Perception is the one (at least supposed to be, it is logical - if Perceptive char can notice some misbehaviour in dialogues - than he is able to notice some loose brick on the wall with secret). And, as for me, it is illogical if Mechanics is in charge for finding hidden objects.


And for me quite unusual to read that you guys explore maps with entire party. I use only my rogue in stealth mode to discover any encounter, then the rest of party comes up and destroy it. Thats is why I'm orienting on character, who can at least discover everything. In BG I played with permastealth Ranger with boots of speed - who scanned every map in 3 minutes, but there was absolutely different skill system. In POE it isn't that transparent. If they write in dialogues options 'Intelligence 16' or 'Strength 14' than they should write in combat log every dice roll responsible for every check, including hidden objects.

Same untransparency concerns 'Recovery Speed ' for armor. I tested armor attacking Itumaak with -10% recovery speed and then with -50% - and didn't see any difference in attack speed. 

Posted (edited)
  On 5/15/2015 at 10:45 PM, Djagga said:

That's actually not a question of who become credited or who comments the hidden object...

I wonder in exact attribute or skill being checked to discover exactly hidden objects (not traps).

No one is discussing it because the question has been answered - it's Mechanics.


Three screenshots which will (hopefully) clear this matter up for all time:


Screenshot #1 - Introducing Niall (aka "The Champion")




Niall is my Fighter PC. He has 15 Perception and 0 Mechanics. In this screenshot, you'll notice...not much. Just a pile of gold and treasure.



Screenshot #2 - Durance (aka "The Angry One")




We all know this guy, right? He has a paltry 9 Perception, but sports 8 Mechanics. Durance spots a trap! Good job, Durance.



Screenshot #3 - Our Anti-Hero, Dolan (aka "The Dark One")




Dolan is scary...when it comes to finding stuff, that is! Dolan has 15 Perception (just like Niall), but unlike everyone else, he has 10 Mechanics. He spots a trap...*and* a hidden surprise! If hidden objects were found via Perception, then Niall should have found this. But Niall didn't find it. And Durance didn't find it either. Durance didn't find it because his Mechanics skill wasn't high enough. If Dolan only had 9 Mechanics, he wouldn't have found it either. That's because this hidden object requires 10 Mechanics to find.


So there you have it. Mechanics is used for spotting traps, disarming armed traps, arming disarmed traps, and finding hidden objects.


EDIT: @Ink Blot - just ran a couple of tests. In test 1, I had my standard custom scouting configuration active and all party members selected. Sure enough, Durance spotted a trap, but my PC got the glory in the combat log. In test 2, I did the same thing, except I reordered the portraits so that Sagani is "leading" the party. Sure enough, Durance spotted the trap, but Sagani got credit for the find. Seems that if an individual is selected, they make the find and get the credit. If the entire party is selected (or, I'm assuming if multiple party members are selected) whomever is "first" gets the tag, regardless of who actually passes the skill check.

Edited by Achilles
  On 5/16/2015 at 1:54 AM, Achilles said:


So there you have it. Mechanics is used for spotting traps, disarming armed traps, arming disarmed traps, and finding hidden objects.


GJ! Thanks for involving!

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