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Feedback: Forge Knights

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Dear Obsidian,


They are over-powered. They spam 6th level spells regardless of your party level. They fully heal themselves and each other in one-shot. Please consider a balance pass in 1.06.

EDIT: Forge Knight activates Heal.

+241.9 Endurance over 1.1 sec.


"Ridiculous" is the nicest word I can think of to describe this.

Edited by Achilles
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Dear Obsidian,


They are over-powered. They spam 6th level spells regardless of your party level. They fully heal themselves and each other in one-shot. Please consider a balance pass in 1.06.

EDIT: Forge Knight activates Heal.

+241.9 Endurance over 1.1 sec.


"Ridiculous" is the nicest word I can think of to describe this.




This is when they go haywire in the Crucible Keep?




The game could use more difficult encounters on Hard, too many battles are player steamrolls. Maybe drop the difficulty for the duration of this encounter?

Edited by View619
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They only heal once from what I've seen and there seems to be a large cool down between spells. Get some Jolting Touch scrolls, endurance potions, summon items and lay some traps and they're easy enough to solo even on PotD - based on doing it myself. It's a tough fight but by no means unbalanced. 

Edited by Jojobobo
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I did this on PotD a while back and thought it was good fun. It feels a bit out of place maybe since the rest of the Defiance Bay content is generally pretty easy, but I would rather have the rest of it bumped up in difficulty a bit rather than this fight to be tuned down.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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