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[1.04] Task - Safe Haven (Heritage Hill)



In Heritage Hill, you can pick up the Task Safe Haven, which involves the Valtas family. During the course of this task, you find a will, that mentions that should Lord Valtas die with no heirs, the estate and all assets falls to the Crucible Knights.

There is, however, a heir. Saeda Valtas. My immediate assumption was that should she die, the Crucible Knights will benefit, which is a fun twist to the fact that the Crucible Knights are supposed to be the good guys, the police of Defiance Bay, and I thought it was an interesting option for an **** nobleman or knight that may support the Crucible Knights.

But as the Task continues, you meet her, and there is no option to anything of that effect, and the only way to resolve it seems to be to tell her to get safely out. If you kill her, the Task fails.

Not a true technical issue like the others, but I thought it was worth reporting anyway, since it's ****.


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The task fails if you kill the girl because the task is to get the girl to safety.


It is true that killing the girl would cause certain assets to fall into the control of the Knights, but they can accomplish essentially the same thing without assassinating a child by simply taking over her care and molding her into someone who either eventually becomes a Knight or else is indebted to them.  Also, if she lives, then she becomes a symbol that the Knights can use (politically): A tragedy struck Heritage Hill, but the Knights acted quickly to contain it at great risk and the loss of the lives of several Knights.  In the end most residents perished, but (agents of) the Knights were able to safely rescue the sole survivor of the catastrophe.

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