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Sacrificial Lamb


Use a ranger's pet to block the doorway. Even when it's knocked out it still blocks ! Works great against big monsters.


Monsters should automatically do trampling damage to fallen party members, and for pets it could be maiming. It should be your worry to not place bodies in their path, not opportunity.

I cant imagine how much grief that would cause, given ai pathing is as it is i would hate for half my party to die permanently because some ai kept walking over them, like its not as if i could crawl out the way or anything. I wasnt aware of the ranger pet being able to do this but this is one cheese i would avoid as i think it crosses the line from abusing in game mechanics into a flat out exploit

Also: Poor fluffy! :'(


It occurred to me that in the very last dungeon (there is no consequential spoiler here, read on) where you can leap over some place, your party is actually stacked on the same spot after the jump. So much for the technical limitation argument.

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