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I'm not sure what info is needed, as I am not tech savvy at all. However, my game will absolutely not load, starting today. I've tried making new files, loading old files, simply clicking the continue button, and every time, 2 seconds after the loading screen appears, the program stops working.

I've had task manager open on my 2nd monitor as it gets to the loading screen to verify, and it immediately goes from "running" to "not responding"


Has anyone else had this issue?

2 answers to this question

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Hi Arceoxys, 

I am sorry to hear you can't load the game but, I would like to look into your issue. Can you tell me if you have a PC/MAC/Linux? Additionally, it would be great if you can upload your save game and output log to a hosting site like google drive or dropbox and then we can grab it and take a look. We created a simple to use thread here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72439-must-read-how-to-report-an-issue/ on how to locate the files we need.

Got a bug :cat:?? Help us squish it!

  • In your report Include your *save file* (C:\Users\YourNameHere\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity) and ...
  • PC: *output_log.txt* (In your PillarsOfEternity_Data folder)
  • Mac/Linux: *Player.log* (In your Unity folder)

  • Thank you for your help!

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I wanted to try, before I did that and made work for you guys, reinstalling.

I did that overnight, and before I went to work just quickly tried to log-on by hitting "Continue". It worked, so it seems a simple re-installation of the game solved it.


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