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Can multiple paladins stack different auras?

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Is this possible or can only one aura be active regardless of how many paladins. I know it says it can't in the description but I just wanted to make sure if that applies to just one paladin stacking them or in general.

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Yes, multiple paladins can stack different auras.  My player-character is a paladin, and we recently recruited Pallegina and in our last fight, they each had a different aura active.  (I haven't tried stacking two of the same aura; I've been assuming that would be redundant.)



Edited by Corylea
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Yo Jahs! Where's Khalid - hiding under the bed??  :yes:


*smile*  I actually chose the usual Jaheira portrait for my player character in Baldur's Gate, so I always saw Jaheira with a different portrait.  I was surprised when I first discovered that 99% of Baldur's Gate players saw "my" portrait as Jaheira.  When I started PoE, I wanted my old portrait back again, and of course PoE makes that very easy. 

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