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Raedric quest (Lord of barren land) trigger not working



I've successfully got myself to the thorne room and conforted Raedric and killed him. But after that nothing happens and journal entry is still the same as before confrontation. Tried twice (hell of a fight!) and the same result. What am I missing?


Dxdiag, Save game files before and after confrontation and output log on the attached link on 7zip file. Btw your file attach system doesn't allow bigger than 507KB files, one save game zip is over 800KB. Thank you.


16 answers to this question

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Hey Maberous,


I've taken both your saves and I have not been able to reproduce the issue with the before save. I attack Raedric and Koslc shows up after to congratulate me. Can you try to kill him one more time but this time close down Steam completely and load the game from the frontend. That being said I'm still going to give your saves/output.logs to a programmer to check out. I'll update you if we get some results.

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  On 3/28/2015 at 12:51 AM, Sking said:

Hey Maberous,


I've taken both your saves and I have not been able to reproduce the issue with the before save. I attack Raedric and Koslc shows up after to congratulate me. Can you try to kill him one more time but this time close down Steam completely and load the game from the frontend. That being said I'm still going to give your saves/output.logs to a programmer to check out. I'll update you if we get some results.


That worked! I shut down steam and killed him once more and kosic appeared after that. Thanks!

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I have the same issue. Although closing PoE and Steam and restarting did not fix my issue.

I''ve tried to upload my output_log, but the attach file in the uploader fails.

As mentioned by Maberous the save files are larger than the maximum upload limit.


I have tried various dialogue options, including agreeing to serve him, and then changing my mind in a subsequent conversation.


In no combination, does Kolsc appear when I have killed everyone in the room.

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I had the same issue but I managed to get the event to trigger by taking Sking's advice and shutting down steam completley and restarting from a save right before the battle.


Interestingly, the first time I shut down Steam and restarted, I loaded up the wrong save (from right after killing Raedric) and then loaded up the one from before the battle, killed Raedric and nothing happened!

I restarted Steam again, loaded up the pre-battle save first, killed Raedric, and then the Koslc showed up!

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Unfortunately, I (stupidly) did not have a relevant save right before the event. I had been heavily relying on quicksave, and did not know Kolsc was supposed to appear right after the battle. I had to go way, way back. Regardless, the second playthrough worked. 

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How would you start PoE without steam? Every time I click on PillarsOfEternity.exe it starts Steam automatically. Disabling internet didn't help (it still started Steam in offline mode and I wasn't able to complete the Kolsc side of this quest.

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Guest Matt Sheets

If you have any saves that are occurring 100% of the time when killing Raedric does not give a cutscene after walking towars the door, please attach those savefiles.


If they're too large to attach, please use dropbox or any other hosting site.

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I did this quest earlier today and didn't get the cut scene. Unfortunately I have no save for it, I knew I missed something as I was on mumble with my friends when I finished it, and decided I didn't really care.


Is there any way to fix this in post? BG2 has console commands for every possible quest state (or maybe that was only with the fixpack?), does Pillars have anything similar that I could use to set the quest state?

"What if a mid-life crisis is just getting halfway through the game and realising you put all your points into the wrong skill tree?"
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Too bad, i have also no before save anymore :-(

And , of course, would also like to know how i can end this open quest without the need to restart the whole game!


And, btw, wouldn't it not be more useful to check just the final points of the quests instead of (obviously) using a hidden cascade triggers to finalize a quest?

To make it clear, imho it looks actually like


Quest A -> 3 (scripted) ways to solve -> final status X/Y/Z


The game seems to trigger every point within this quest, if you miss one, it stopps. And, this game is very complex so it's logical that users may find unplanned ways to completion (also obviously because things like here happened^^). 


So why instead of checking the whole way a quest goes just check, after leaving/entering an area e.g., if the final X/YZ is reached or not. If you set too much restrictions in the way there will be always someone who accidentaly misses one checkpoint.

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It didn't trigger for me until after I tried to leave the throne room.  If I just waited around after killing Raedric, he'd never show up.

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Hey guys,


Anyone who has this issue and cannot load a previous save to fix it. You may be able to just go to the abandoned house in Magran's Fork and kill/talk to Kolsc there.

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So I killed Raedric and there was no sign of Kolsc at the Keep, I went to the abandoned house and Kolsc is not there also. I don't have a previous save. Is there any way to fix this? I restarted steam and all that jazz. I spent so much time in that place, I NEED SOME CLOSURE!! (and xp :))

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