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Stop the Presses...

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We've all seen the zany assertions that have begun to sprout like hair on the nostrils of the forums ever since more information about TSL has become available. I thought I might as well add my own thoughts.


Firstly, it's pretty obvious that TSL will be heavily influenced by kotor 1. As such, one can expect the continuation of a few storylines started in the original to be found in the sequel.


By this train of thought, I believe that the "older female jedi", the one pictured on the lucas' arts page and on the portal to these very forums, is none other than Juhani's old master, Quatra.


Quatra was a compelling character in the original kotor in that she played such an unusual role in the development of Revan as well as Juhani, but was never actually present within the game. She left Dantooine for vague reasons just before Revan would have encountered her, too. The character just screams to be expanded on; it is almost as if Bio intended to include her in the sequel to the game they had not yet published.


(Okay, it could be that I missed something in Juhani's story line in kotor and thus missed the chance to actually meet Quatra... though I've played through thoroughly several times and I have seen no mention of meeting her on various kotor related forums)

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Oi, I thought we were talking about the older woman, because that's what he said. Maybe someone got the two confused, didn't know the white haired woman wasn't the same as the old woman? The white haired woman is younger, and looks NOTHING like bastila in the concept art I've seen.

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