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The Ebola Threat

Wrath of Dagon

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I have a question for the lunatic fringe. If our entire foreign policy is dominated by getting more oil, how come we're not letting Canadians build the Keystone-XL pipeline because that would get us whole lot more oil than some tiny African nation.


You're off mark in several ways. It's not so much about controlling oil per say, as it is about controlling what oil is purchased with and priced in. Internationally, this is done by using the US dollar. If you want to know why it is this way, look up Henry Kissinger, Saudi Arabia, Petrodollar. Oil is extremely important and everyone needs it for many different things. In having everyone need US dollars to get oil, the US Government can then essentially get something for nothing. However, this arrangement is rapidly concluding for many reasons.


The Keystone-XL pipeline has nothing to do with delivering oil to the USA. It's about transporting it to refineries and then exporting it outside of the USA. You better believe that the pipeline will be created, but only by the time that certain OPEC members start faltering in their production. Warren Buffett is also a major impediment, but he is getting off of his own trains and boarding the Keystone-XL pipeline express. There are many other reasons as well. I expect it to be completed close to 2020.

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