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question about the classes in PoE

Guest 4ward

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i'm just curious how much fun you guys who play the beta have with the different classes. Without the sorcerer in BG2, that game would have only been half as fun for me. So how does it feel playing a spellcaster, is it fun, is he active in combat? Or would you rather say the experience is the same with any class you play?


The classes definitely feel very distinct in combat, but very similar outside of combat. You may be happy to know that wizards in poe are pretty similar to sorcerers in combat. The only issue I have is that all the classes seem to need micromanagement, but I hear certain builds will allow for a more classic feel.


The impression I have is that the class system in poe will be good in new ways, but will have new flaws the IE games didn't. 


great, thanks! Sounds as if the wizard does quite some damage in battle and doesn't run out of spells between rests.


As things currently stand, the combat itself isn't all that much fun. It has a lot of potential, but it's not there yet.


As to the classes, some of them are much more fun than others. The priest is boring, the wizard is serviceable and versatile but not particularly exciting, the cipher, druid, and chanter are genuinely cool. The wizard could easily be made much more interesting with some cool talents and a broader selection of spells, and I'm not quite sure what could be done about the priest. Which is a shame, but perhaps they'll come up with something.

in BG2 i'd never go with a bard or a druid but that sounds like they really made those classes interesting for a change. Why do you think that the priest is boring, is it because he doesn't do any damage or that he uses up his spells fast or that his spells are in general of not much use?


The 4 spells per grimoire level is p. bad atm. Talents that gave an extra 1st level spell per day would be cool as well.

i don't mind that as long as he can cast a good amount of the chosen spells. In BG2 i'd always take a cleric (e.g. Aerie), then Jaheira (druid/harper) and also Jan as supporting mage to have all spells covered. So i guess that's how i'd do in PoE as well.

I have always avoided spells like cone of fire/ice/whatever and other spells with friendly fire in BG2 (except 'skull trap'). My take is that wizards should fight from afar, melee is the last option so i went with chromatic orb, magic missile and the great 'melf's minute meteors' :)

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in BG2 i'd never go with a bard or a druid but that sounds like they really made those classes interesting for a change. Why do you think that the priest is boring, is it because he doesn't do any damage or that he uses up his spells fast or that his spells are in general of not much use?

Oh, the priest is extremely useful. Almost vital in fact. The game would be a lot harder without a priest in the party.


My problem with the class is that it's essentially a mobile buff-o-mat. The spells are incredibly useful buffs, heals, and related things, with the odd occasional offensive one thrown in. So during an encounter, the priest basically just stays put and casts one buff or counter after another. That's kinda monotonous compared to the versatility and general awesomeness of a DnD3 priest, for example, or several of the P:E caster classes. The druid, cipher, and chanter are seriously interesting with a broad, varied set of spells, and even the wizard can be/has to be positioned tactically if you want to make the most of the cone- or line-shaped spells. The priest just stays parked safely in the back and goes buff, buff, buff, and occasionally plinks with a ranged weapon. Very useful indeed, but somewhat dull.

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I'd be curious to see how the game would play with the following changes:

  • Less punishing stam/health damage ratio (=more fights before having to rest)
  • More powerful wizard/druid/priest per-rest spells, relative to chanter/cipher/paladin per-encounter or persistent spells
  • Scarcer camping supplies

It would nudge us to more strategic use of the scarcer but more powerful spells, while lengthening the day somewhat. I know I'd play more carefully than with the current "I'll need to rest soon anyway so might as well fire all barrels" balance.

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They could make the bigger wolves more interesting, give them a stun or something like Vampiric Wolves in BG2.


The beetles need to be further apart.

Just as an aside they do have knockdown...  Maybe give the bigger wolves deep wound too hehehehehehehehe.

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All wolves have a knockdown though. I suppose it's similar considering you can't act while prone and probably receive penalties to defenses.


Anyway, they need something else. 

Edited by Sensuki
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