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Drama in the indy gaming biz ?


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No, Bruce. A gamer is a gaming enthousiast or somebody who identifies as a gamer. Any other use is a misuse, when these journalists use it or when others use it. Yes, words change over time. They do not change overnight. If these people consider "gamer" to only mean what you say, they clearly do not understand what gamers or gamer culture are. Regardless, whether or not they spoke out of malice or ignorance they are accountable for the actions of their followers.


But hey, here's this article:


"Gamer identity is tainted, root and branch, by its embrace of consumption as a way of life. If gamers suddenly became completely inclusive, if all of the threats and stamping of feet went away and the doors were flung open, conspicuous consumption would still be the essential core of their identity. The mythical gamer who does not exist to consume is not a gamer. A raisin is not a grape, and no amount of rehydration will turn it into one."




This is a former game developer and journalist who very, very clearly states that gamers, defined by him as all people who self-identify as someone who consumes games,  would still be worthless even if the group became completely inclusive simply by nature of them being gamers.

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